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Everything posted by Davectr

  1. Looking good Andy. Must admit tho, after that first post I thought - not much of a build this 😄 but you've redeemed yourself now with the extra photos
  2. How about a Hummer with state of the art anti theft system 😄 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. This has been mentioned several times before on here and most people tend not to like it. Personally I think if done right it could look good. A ultimately it's your car, and if you want to do it then you do it, it doesn't really matter what others think ðŸ‘
  4. You'd need to speak to Dominik who runs Headlightretrofits for an accurate price, but probably in the region of £250-300
  5. That sounds exactly like their style. They offered my Mrs 15k for hers, and in their magazine had a double page spread explaining why '1' plates were worth so much. And they had similar plates for £50k + Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
  6. Yes they are legit, but it's worth checking a registration on the dvla first as sometimes you can buy it direct from there I.e. Reg transfers don't always 'own' the reg, they just sell it on and make commission
  7. For me it'd have to be something like this: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201509267263964?quicksearch=true&page=1&sort=atcustom&search-target=usedcars&radius=1500&make=bowler&postcode=ts146ru&onesearchad=used%2Cnearlynew%2Cnew&logcode=p
  8. It was £60+ VAT. No, no parts needed at all. Kwik fit 😱, unless you someone who works there and you are confident he knows what he's doing I would have to say no way! Try and find someone local who comes recommended otherwise you could end up with worse handling than before you started All their lifts were full 😄 Mates 1100bhp GTR under the NSX Couple more GTR's in Not the best pic, but mine next to the NSX Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Yeah it had a bit of negative camber which was adjusted but the toe angles were out quite a bit. Here's the sheets they gave me Before After So they actually increased the rear negative camber slightly and reduced the toe Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Thanks, I like it but I'm not sure what the hissing type noise is when I lift off the throttle but I've heard it on other videos with Hfc's fitted? Not sure, I've not touched my suspension, I've only changed my wheels. It's definitely worth getting done.
  11. Can I vote, even though I'm not modding my car 😄
  12. They have been for sale on eBay for quite a while now, maybe there's a reason??
  13. Welcome along, will be interesting to see if you manage to convert to a T-Top
  14. As per title, followed this from Flatts Lane round Nunthorpe bypass then you turned off towards Stokesley. Looked very nice 👍
  15. So, after reading so many times on here about how good these cars handle and me always thinking mine feels very light and unstable (to me) at the front at errrrm let's say reasonable speeds 😉 I finally got my arse into gear and took it to JM Imports for a 4 wheel alignment. I'm sure the eagle eyed ones amongst you will have spotted Jurgens GTR in the background, what a machine that is! Anyway, I digress, I should've done this ages ago - what a difference it's made, the car feels much more stable now. I can't believe I've left it so long to do. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. No, good old Englandshire 😉. Up in't North East
  17. Davectr


    They're common as muck up in the North East G-Man, i use mine for taking the dogs up the woods. 😄😄😄 Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
  18. Davectr


    Lucky man, it was very nice! Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
  19. Davectr


    Just seen this bad boy at JM Imports What do you think? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Not the best videos (taken using IPad) Fast intentions true dual exhaust before hfc's https://vimeo.com/155017176 With Berks Hfc's. Sounds quite a bit deeper than before (in real life, maybe not on the video 😄) https://vimeo.com/155017328 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. - Please guys don't turn this into a heated discussion about whether Sprintboosters are any good, or indeed necessary like last time the subject was raised. The following are purely MY opinion of it after fitting it to my car, in response to gstraw's question. Thank you - To be honest it's one of the best mods I've done to this car. I had the Uprev done a few months before I had this fitted to sort out the throttle response and to try and improve the gearchange, and whilst it did improve things, it was nowhere near as noticeable or effective as the sprint booster. It just feels more like it should do, more responsive, the gear change seems sharper/quicker. In its most aggressive mode, the car feels more 'alive' and for me has significantly restored my enjoyment driving the car. This was never about performance for me (if you've read my thread you will notice it's all cosmetic), it was about making this car drive like it should. I think it was about £180ish, worth every penny (for me anyway!). I would suggest that if anyone's interested they should try and drive a car with one installed to experience it for themselves before deciding whether it's a 'gimmick' or not. Thanks for the kind comments about my car ðŸ‘
  22. Noooooo waaayyyyy! Gutted for you Jon if you can't get away with the car, what a shame such a great looking car you have
  23. Thanks very much. Ooooooo, once you start down that carbon road it can be fatal ha ha 😄. Spoiler sounds good like that, try photoshopping it first to see what it looks like
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