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Everything posted by Davectr

  1. Davectr


    Here's another impressive drift http://youtu.be/BsNL13aZoG8
  2. Just type the reg into Google and look at the results - Nuff said! 😳
  3. Gutted for you Nic, but as everyone else had said, glad you are OK! They most certainly are, especially this one -
  4. One of these, exactly the same colour, has just turned around outside my house. I must say the colour looked stunning in the sunlight. Beautiful car!
  5. Wow! That's amazing considering you've never done anything like that before, well done you! As said above it may not be to everyone's taste but that doesn't matter, it's what you like that counts. There's not many people who would have the balls to take on something like this with no experience
  6. Knew you'd crack eventually Adrian 😂
  7. Had a great day out today with the roof down 😎, and fortunately we seemed to be going in the opposite direction to most other traffic which was good. On the way home a lovely white Shelby Mustang pulled alongside and made it obvious he wanted to have a little 'play' 😄. Unfortunately I had Mrs fun police sat alongside me 😞 who made it perfectly clear that if I did there would be repercussions! 😂
  8. Little update: After having the HFC's fitted last month I got to thinking that it may be running a little lean, so in order to ensure the car was running as good as possible thought I'd book it in for a quick dyno session. What better excuse than now to add Dropped them in Then popped down to RS Tuning in Leeds for a bit of fine tuning Power was up (329.5bhp @ 6750rpm) from previous dyno run which was nice, but the big improvement was the torque curve. Previously it peaked at 272ft/lb @ 3142rpm dropping to 250ft/lb by 4500rpm where it stayed until about 6000rpm and dropped off. Now it produces 275ft/lb at 2750rpm, creeps up slightly, but holds ~275ft/lb until 6300rpm. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Very nice steering wheel, looks so much better
  10. I'm certainly not doing anything I will pop up, hopeful to hear a non standard exhaust on a 370 in person. I'll be at RS Tuning in Leeds next Wednesday if you want to hear a non standard exhaust
  11. Welcome, where abouts in Yorkshire are you from?
  12. I've got a set of original 370 Rays in the garage you could use, but I'm too far away I suspect. I'm up near Middlesbrough
  13. It's never been a 'secret', I was being respectful to Dominik who owns Headlightretrofits who asked me not to post prices as he gives individual prices depending on what spec is required. Whether people agree or disagree with my stance on this is up to them, but I was happy to honour his request. However given the length of time since I had mine done I'm sure it would be ok now. For the work I had done it was in the £250-300 region
  14. Sorry for your loss. Amazing looking Zed!
  15. Very nice, welcome to the club
  16. Welcome along Jonny, get yourself along to one of the North East meets at Falcon Performance and meet some of us on here
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