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Everything posted by Davectr

  1. No need to apologise mate, I was only pulling your leg. I left the other half at home so didn't have any distractions 😂, so I feel your pain! Hopefully we can get a few off here to attend next year and get a decent Z showing
  2. You obviously weren't looking hard enough G1en, that's my white 370z roadster behind the red GTR in the pic above 😄. Can also be seen in the background of 3rd pic up of the 458. And I saw another 2 350z's. But have to agree, I was disappointed that there wasn't more there. Some nice cars on display though Nice pics ðŸ‘ðŸ»
  3. Looks good. Let the modding begin 😂
  4. Off a 50 or 70? Think I might have one off a 70 in the garage somewhere
  5. Absolutely stunning mate. 😎ðŸ‘🻠If it were mine I'd be tempted to go for a different colour on the wheels that compliments the purple better, but that's just my opinion, everyone's different.
  6. With great difficulty! You will be very very lucky to get them off without breaking (at least one of) the tabs that hold them in place. Basically you need a strong wire hook tool (I made one from a coat hanger hook 😉), hold the cover at the back nearest the windscreen with your hand and pull towards you and up and you'll feel the rear catch release (that's the easy bit). Then you need to slip the hook down either side of the cover towards the front (near the gauge) and unhook the plastic clip. There is a guide online somewhere. It IS a pig of a job
  7. As others have stated, to have a fighting chance of catching the scumbugs who took the car. But also for me to monitor the cars movements when in the garage for servicing etc due to the amount of times you see people posting videos online nowadays where 'mechanics' have taken your pride and joy out for a blast "to see what it'll do". I like to think I'm quite laid back, and if anyone (most people 😉) asked me to have a go in my car I'd let them (supervised of course 😄). I do not take kindly to some dickhead 'mechanic' taking my car and thrashing it without my knowledge.
  8. Looking forward to a BIG build thread 😉. Congratulations by the way ðŸ‘ðŸ»
  9. Leave it out GM, I've had mine out a few times with the roof down in the last couple of weeks 😉😄 Hi and welcome Paul, nice to see another Yorkshireman ðŸ‘ðŸ»
  10. Hello and welcome. That looks like a nice Zed, but could do with some better pics 😉
  11. Thanks G1en for a very interesting read, that's how I like to spend my Saturday mornings reading stuff like this ðŸ‘ðŸ». However, I think I can safely say that you haven't got Zeditis mate - not a stubby Ariel in site 😂
  12. Very nice! Get em on the car then, need to see it 😂😂
  13. Have just passed a white Nismo heading into Whitby so thought I'd give him a little wave, nothing. . . . .just drove straight passed ðŸ˜. That's the second time this week I've waved at a white Nismo and had the same response Unless of course he knows who I am and doesn't like me 😂
  14. Nah, that would be too much black for me 😉
  15. Headlightretrofits, look them up on facebook
  16. Yeah, I have considered doing that. Might have a go, it can easily be taken back off again. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Been a while since I've put anything on here, so here's the latest update. Managed to pick this up for peanuts off fleabay Thought it would be fun to try something different. After spending ages looking online for ideas I ended up keeping it quite simple Had to remove the lights Then the original bumper Then add this Some fitted pics Not 100% convinced I've got it right, but it'll do for now, I can always put the original back on Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Looking good Andy, saw this in the flesh and it looks stunning in the sunlight ðŸ‘ðŸ». Agree with Ekona about the bonnet, wouldn't go black. But, it's your car so it's your choice mate.
  19. Good for you S7nny, everybody has different tastes and if that's what you want to do to your Zed go for it. It may be difficult to find someone to do it, but someone will. It'll be a big task, and therefore likely to be costly but it will be unique í ½í±í ¼í¿»
  20. Surely this car is definitive? 😄 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Please don't mate, after getting those under bonnet mirrors from you it escalated into engine bay carbon bits to set off the mirror panels, which then escalated to interior carbon pieces, a new steering wheel, retrimmed seats etc etc 😂. Basically it was all your fault! 😉
  22. I know! but I need a new project i guess and will be looking for a pristine replacement lol. hoping to get the 370z like yourself Dave. Good luck with your search. Looking forward to see what you do to the 70 ðŸ‘ðŸ»
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