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  1. Hi Dicky, I see your location is Newcastle, give JM-Imports in Cramlington a shout they are excellent. They do a lot of engine builds etc on high end cars
  2. Sorry I can’t be more help as it was so long ago. I seem to recall just wiring into the reversing wire to trigger/power it, earthing it, and running the video cables to the front to the head unit. Maybe I was just lucky??
  3. Not sure about a kit, but I installed one when I had my 370z roadster. Just got a cheap number plate style one off eBay and it worked perfect. Have had a look back on my original build, but unfortunately there’s no real info and being 8 years ago I can’t remember much about it.
  4. Merry Christmas to you to George, and to all the other great members on the wonderful forum! All the best for 2023
  5. Don’t know what happened there, why it’s posted 4 times 🙈
  6. That would be me Pete. Ive still got the R8 and I have to say that despite all the scaremongering about running costs it is definitely as described - a supercar you can drive every day (if you want to). I’ve had mine 2 1/2years now and it doesn’t cost any more than my Zed did. Tax is the same, insurance about the same (if not a bit less 😳, but I am old ha ha). Servicing is not too bad, I use independent garage as Audi are feckin useless and charge R8 tax! Would I recommend one - definitely. I know mine is a Gen 2 V10 and the guy is looking at possibly a V8. The dampers can be replaced at quite a reasonable cost nowadays, there’s a guy on the forums (in Europe) who can provide them on a swap or buy basis. The big issue with the V8 is the aircon motor - this is an engine out job! Make sure it’s working. On the V10 it can be sorted in situ (difficult but doable). The Perfomance of the V8 isn’t great by modern day standards, but the handling is sublime, and the manual ones are becoming quite sought after. @tomato I see you’re in West Yorkshire, not too far from me (North Yorkshire), you’re more than welcome to come and have a go in mine
  7. Water filters are great if you want to just wash your car and leave it to dry, even in direct sunlight. The only issue I’ve found is if you put the car back into the garage still wet it still leaves watermarks, if left outside they’re perfect
  8. Was at a car event with the missus the other week and she saw a VW Camper style bar for sale in the cafe for a ridiculous price. I told her I’d make her one for a fraction of the cost 😄 (tight git). Anyway, two tv cabinets (one free and one £10) a bit of stainless sheet and a few accessories later -
  9. Ok no worries. I wouldn’t use it to try and dry the whole car, but I’ve used it to blow the majority of the water off then used a drying towel to finish off. It is however great for drying wheels and getting into all the little nooks and crannies like behind wing mirror glass, vents and stuff
  10. @Andy_Muxlow I don’t, but I could do one for you. Is there anything specific about it you’d like to see?
  11. I use this one - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07HYVZFH8?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_dt_b_product_details A lot cheaper (yes I’m tight 😂) but just as effective
  12. Someone’s getting a good well looked after car 👍. What are you replacing it with?
  13. Nice little run out in the sunshine to NY500
  14. @Sim Thanks very much. They were done by Si at hide’n’seat. He was a member on here, not sure if he still is. Great guy and did a fantastic job, he’s done quite a few cars on here
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