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Everything posted by Richf

  1. If that was the case then that would be reflected in the 1/4 mile times since the terminal speeds are about 100mph for both but the difference is around .5 of a second On the circuit the vrs is no slouch either of course that's not what the fan boys on here want to hear but I've driven the 350z and owned a 350hr and now own a 370z As for comments I've had about the same amount of positive comments on both cars but I didn't buy my cars for any kind of kudos unlike some and couldn't give a fig what other people think Enjoy the zed for what they are but there are lots of quickens cars out there that's just a fact
  2. The stock vrs does the 1/4 in 14.5 s , the stock 350z does about 14 and the HR is a little quicker at 13.5 but as I said before a few bolt on mods and a tuning box will see a 13.1 It's nice to have a 370 in the garage but the little Fabia is a great daily and will do 46mpg on a run, just had to insure it though , cost £237 , outrageous !
  3. Forgive the 'gay' comment Rich, didn't know you had one. I'd still rather drive a Matiz tho Gay is being smoked by a 1.4 Skoda
  4. Problem is getting a good 0-60 out of the zed isn't easy . The Fabia is DSG just select sport and plant the throttle and you'll get a mid 6 0-60 every time
  5. I have to say I have taken much bigger scalps than a 350z in my vrs , not that I race on the road or would exceed 110 on the road since that's ban territory. Mind you I got smoked by a diesel Fabia in my 370 on the drag strip but that ran a 12.3 and has 350+hp
  6. It's twin charged it has a supercharger which provides low down grunt up until about 3500rpm and then the turbo takes over , stock hp is about 180 I added eibach springs and Whiteline roll bars to mine and it's like a go cart
  7. My daily is a Fabia VRS. Always felt there wouldn't be much in it , the published 0-60 is 7.3 but at timed events even standard cars can achieve 6.5 but many are mapped or tuned running 200-210hp and a few are hitting 240+
  8. Yep 370 , and ebay do the cross land one
  9. Did mine today 30k doesn't look like it had been changed Fitted a patten filter cost £8 but needed slight trimming with scissors to fit
  10. Oil pumps don't create pressure they create flow , resistance to that flow creates pressure Just like when you put your finger over the end of a hosepipe.
  11. What he said I don't get all the stigma about these being too underpowered- they're not pitched as performance cars they're designed to have fun. The ae86 was the same and now it's an icon As dowcra mentioned they have the same ethos as an mx5 or clio cup- no big power but huge fun on track. Getting a cheaper one of these for track days isn't a bad option The AE86 was around a long long time ago back when cars were lighter and lower powered than today. I'm not saying the gt86 isn't fun on the limit , it's under tyred meaning the limit is easily and predictable to reach but in day to day use getting outperformed by diesel repmobiles would be tiresome Not that the 370 is a good track car though it would make more sense to buy a mx5 like already suggested and use than for track days and keep the zed
  12. I drove one before buying the 370 , desperately underpowered really and not a great spec
  13. Or the Superb if you want more toys , both take a lot of beating and consistently score very highly on customer satisfaction surveys
  14. No two different products
  15. Mine is lowered on eibach springs and has Whiteline anti roll bars
  16. I think diesels have peaked , petrols are so much cleaner, dpf's are a band-aid fix to get around the particulates issue and won't ever be a proper solution
  17. I very much doubt it would do 50mpg, stated ave is 40mpg and in my experience just getting the advertised 'average' in most cars is a struggle! this is true the VAg 1.4tsi twin charged this was supposed to get good MPG in reality driving it around it never really got above 30 I have a 1.4 twin charged (Fabia vrs) as my daily as does my mum , we both average about 36mpg , I drive faster and harder than she does but she does more around town use , we can both get over 40mpg on a run Mine will hit 60 in 6.6s and it dyno's at 189hp stock, it has a few handling mods and on a twisty road it would more than hold its own against a 350 on a 1/4 mile it's less than a second slower than a 350 All round they are pretty impressive for a supermini
  18. Waxes will often yellow over time and can make a white car seem quite yellow as a result , that's why many people use sealants on white
  19. A mate of mine has a mapped 535d and it would easily pull away from a 350 , problem is it's not really that economical , 40-42 mpg on a run if you are very lucky closer to 35mpg normally and easily into the 20's when driving hard His dpf is failing now but the car has done 135k.
  20. A 3" exhaust on a turbocharged engine will be good for at least 750BHP, so its not likely to limit an N/A engine, An N/A engine needs an exhaust system that designed around the engines pulse characteristic's, whereas a turbocharged engines biggest restriction is the turbo it self, so anything you can do to make the exhaust after the turbo flow more freely will help power, so doing the same to a N/A engine will just result in disappointment. I personally wouldnt agree with that, i ran a 3" system on my Rx7, it was running 450bhp on low boost, over 500bhp on high boost, still only 1.1-1.2 bar, i swapped to a 3.5" system, the turbo spooled quicker and result in a few more bhp, had i gone to 4" i would have noticed similar improvement again http://www.exhaustvideos.com/faq/how-to-calculate-muffler-size-pipe-diameter/ If the engine spooled quicker with a larger exhaust then that suggests the system was restrictive at that point in the rpm range , if that was the case the performance as the rpm rose would have gotten increasingly flat as the system struggled to evacuate the exhaust gasses I assume that wasn't the case so something else must've been going on
  21. I couldn't care less what the average motorist thinks , I didn't buy my 370 to gain appeal from others .
  22. You have synchro rev with the auto as well Love my auto thought the manual 350 was awful
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