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Everything posted by Richf

  1. 30-130 is where it's at But you don't need to be talented to get a sub 3 second 0-60 out of a sports bike it's not rocket science , sub 2 seconds presents a challenge The 0-60 time on a zed it limited by traction not horsepower
  2. All hot rods are modified , not all modified cars are hot rods
  3. If you've got the space for a car sized one then you've pretty much got the space for a proper garage. Wouldn't need planning permission for it, as its not a permanent structure. Wrong , even an awning needs permission
  4. It was all whipped up by the papers , mainly the Daîly Mail which is read all over the world , they have an anti Clarkson agenda, there is no way they knew about or engineered the plate as a joke. When you look into the size of that team and the logistics required to produce the show a plate just wouldn't come into it The DM also claimed the alternative plate they were going to fit BE11 END was a reference to the sinking of the Belgrano
  5. Its very difficult to compare the two..but yes I'm sure road accidents consume a lot more people in a year unfortunately. About 3000 people are killed on UK roads each year, worldwide that figure is probably getting on for millions , I heard that 200,000 people die on India's roads each year Statistically you have a greater chance of getting killed driving to the airport than you do on a plane
  6. 84% of the price at the pump is tax so it will never drop as much as the price of crude
  7. Manual mats won't fit the 370 auto and vice versa they are quite different
  8. Hi from a fellow white GT Edition a/t owner , I actually live near Newbury , would love to meet up sometime if you could take me for a spin ! Power seems very impressive Didnt know Norris had invested in a DD dyno either , they had an engine one last I heard
  9. Its such a terrible shame the GTR has become what it now is, they have softened it into a total waste of time ! Oh wait a minute no they haven't, they have just improved the ride consistently over the years and separated it more away from the NISMO version and track variants. Its not a track car , its not a supercar its a GT car and always was. The best still keeps getting better ! But those wheels 0-62mph MY09: 3.3 (although some say it was 3.8 for the JDM model) MY10: 3.1 MY11: 3.0 MY13: 2.9 MY14: 2.7
  10. Do some search's regarding Valet Magic especially on the GTR register
  11. I think importantly the loan needs to be paid by the estate before any persons named in the will receive anything , thats an important distinction and might even be worth mentioning in the will in addition to this Thats why you need professional advice
  12. No they arent ! They are mounted on the steering column (just like the GTR same paddles so you can get some funky carbon ones ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_bxGdleRxo This guy shows that on track the auto works rather well
  13. Fair play to the guy who put that together!! Very helpful Just to clarify though, I'm guessing the auto 7 speed doesn't come with synchro rev? When in manual mode the 7at will indeed Rev on downshifts , it really is an excellent box , have a search for 370z auto on YouTube there is a great video of a guy on track and also an informative one of a guy showing how the box works. In the US where the auto is more popular it's been shown to be a tad quicker on the 1/4 mile but still straits the haters There are pros and cons compared to a dsg , shift speed is just one (I drive a 7speed dsg daily) Having driven a manual 350 and 370 it was a no brainer to me , I think the manual box is dire coupled to a noisy and clunky dmf. Beśt advice though is to try both
  14. Nitro 2 Stroke! ... top banana! A mate of mine did his "Selfabusa" (Hayabusa) - that was ridiculous! I don't think you'll see many Supercharged 2's ... but it has been done, have a google on "Supercharged Deeks" Nitrous not nitro different things altogether
  15. Never heard of it being done , I know someone who had one running a lot of nitrous
  16. go supercharged with the Kwak H2 Can you supercharge a two stroke?
  17. That recent Guy Martin show gave me a hankering for another turbocharged bike , keeping my eyes open for the right one , missus won't be happy though
  18. Only worth rebuilding if you are going forged for more power , it's always cheaper to put a good used motor in
  19. You mentioned the m40 , are you close to Chesham? Can thoroughly recommend wheels in motion up there
  20. Few pics of my lowly 370, taken by a decent photographer
  21. Be prepared to have to spend a lot more for a UK car , you guys pay far less for your zeds
  22. Cover AND garage personally
  23. Fake turbosmart gear is a big problem for them
  24. I have a blackvue 400hd in my 370 it's not too obvious and the footage is ok
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