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Everything posted by Richf

  1. With winter here i would avoid both if you dont garage it . F1's are a great all round tyre.
  2. I think Paul Walkers death had a lot to do with bucking prices , I bought my R34 GTT for £4600 and a year later I sold it for £9600 after spending about £1500 and a bit of time tidying it up I hadnt intended to sell it and thought it worth about £7k but when I was offered that it had to go, the buyer sold it a year later for about the same
  3. No , it has MIVEC , it can be done but its hideously expensive, the best engine for the 6 is the 8 MR
  4. I put an 8 MR engine in my 6, the rods are a weak point unfortunatly. Cost me £2250 for the engine from a breaker
  5. I had the same problem , bought one of these from Maplins , takes a cat 5 cable and mini usb for power Works fine and was £20 iirc http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/tp-link-tl-wr702n-single-band-n150-wireless-travel-cable-router-n28nf
  6. Ahh ok , I thought this was the unit you mentioned back in March .
  7. We will continue to support our first hand Traction customers for the lifetime of the product. If you have purchased the unit second or third hand, please use our online materials for help. You may be charged for personal support.
  8. Do you think its a mistake or a result of driving a really heavy car with 21" wheels on American roads ? I suspect the latter US roads are in the main pretty poor http://www.freewayin...o-for-potholes/ although I doubt the pic is of LA
  9. Like every other auto manufacturer , I'm struggling to think of a single major car maker who hasn't had an engine in their range with serious reliability issues in recent years.
  10. Sorry thought we were talking about 370's
  11. My Skoda will snatch the wheel if i cross a line without indicating luckily though since im not a ******** idiot i just switch it off , hardly rocket science
  12. Quote When automakers roll out new technology, be it infotainment, transmissions, or engine variations, it often has a deleterious effect on vehicle reliability. Tesla is not only the poster child for a new type of high-performance, high-mileage EV, but it also has been adding complex new variations as assembly-line updates, such as all-wheel drive this year. So it’s not surprising to see problems continue to crop up. I'm still thinking about ordering one, its all covered under warranty
  13. Richf

    Brake fluid

    3 years from new and then every 2 years normally but if you go on track then you should increase the level of maintenance imo
  14. I have 275 with 25mm spacers and could easily get a 285 under there in fact I'm thinking about a 305 but i am stock ride height with stock wheels
  15. Richf

    Brake fluid

    Super Blue is great value for money, if you go on track then any fluid should be changed at least every 6 months , if not after each trackday imo
  16. Rods can be an issue on some models like the TME and early 7's , as mentioned crank walk on the Evo 4
  17. Richf

    End link advice

    I like the protective dust boots on those
  18. http://www.cjautos.eu/product_p/cr02.htm Something like this works , there is a company that makes a type that uses bottle jacks , they are a little cheaper and wider although at 270mm wide they will take a tyre well over 325mm
  19. Richf

    End link advice

    They look to be sitting the same as the stock ones would, adjusting them may help but they may still rattle, but as I said to you when I saw them my experience of exposed rose joints on road cars is that they have a short life , the dirt and grime acts as a grinding paste and wears them away very quickly. You can buy rubber covers but they often just lock the moisture in Since the standard car has a tendency to consume front drop links at quite a rate anyhow I would think new rose joints (You can buy them separately and save a few £££) would be an annual job really. I went for pattern ones like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/370z-infiniti-e35-g35-g37-front-right-drop-link-/251295975004?hash=item3a8268465c:g:eAAAAMXQDrJRyzEX They are cheap so they might not last but will outlast a rose joint I reckon and only take 20 mins to swap out as they are much easier to fit I have adjustable ones on the rear but they are only set at the stock length at present so for me there are doing the same job as the stock ones anyhow As a comparison here is how my ones sit
  20. LOL about being let out , I did notice people got out of my way on motorways a lot more than they do in the z ! AYC isnt the big deal it used to be , its easy to service yourself and I used to do mine once a year , engine oil and filter is every 6 months or 4500 miles , but takes 20 mins with a oil extractor Its important that the AYC light comes on with the ignition and then goes off , unscrupulous sellers remove the bulb as it stays on if there is a fault , you can get rebuilt pumps fitted fairly cheaply now but Evos cost much more to maintain than a zed
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