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Everything posted by Richf

  1. It is indeed , I touched 140mph in my GTST on that straight, with crappy brakes as well ! Its changed very little from when Sir Stirling moss had his career ending crash
  2. They don't have the performance of those cars though, once you drop into cars that can hit 60 in less than 5 seconds the running costs go up and keep going up the quicker they get.
  3. Goodwood used to do louder 105db days as well , I have done a few in my Skyline but not been for a while , the trackdays were expensive but that keeps the numpties away , only a few cars on track at a time and as said very quick, best of all they had a few instructors who would come around with you and give you advice , I did a few laps with Anthony Reid with him telling me all about his days of driving Skylines for HKS
  4. Check your battery connections especially the earth
  5. Thats an advatage as you can use both on one sideof the car. They are about £250 i think
  6. I used to check mine every year and just top up with the brush on stuff if needed For the OP check around the local 4x4 independant garages as many of those places do it , I've usually done my own but its a messy and time consuming job , spent the time between xmas and new year a few years back doing my Evo 6 much to the wifes displeasure
  7. I paid £712 for mine back in the summer but got a £100 back due to the Michelin promotion , you just need to shop around
  8. Insurance is pretty cheap its more money to insure my Octavia VRS than the 370
  9. Michelins for sure , transforms the car , not so great this time of year but nothing will be , best thing you can do imo
  10. No its aftermarket , well retrimmed/reprofiled
  11. The clutch slave issues have never been fully sorted on the 370 and continue to fail and its possibly been a factor in the OP's case causing the plate to wear prematurely What happens with your car is that the cats get very hot in use and this heats the fluid in the pipe that supplies the slave cylinder, you can help this by wrapping the line with heat shield and replacing the fluid for something like Motul RBF600, there is a company in the US that sells an uprated clutch slave cylinder that is said to be a big improvement
  12. I like the look of the ones in this thread , saw them in the flesh this year and thinking of getting them , they dont have a website but i have the number for them http://www.zroadster.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=43008
  13. Thats disappointing , December wont work for me so looks like I will need to make other arrangements
  14. This, and just this. No solicitors needed, no engine inspections, no trading standards, no additional time, effort or money required, the car has died within 28 days so will almost certainly be considered not fit for purpose whether you checked the oil or not. I know people are only trying to help but theres some dodgy advice going on here. There wasnt until you added some ! The guy has already been contacted by phone and is clearly not going to play ball , for the car to be considered unfit for purpose then someone has to consider it ie a court but it is not cut and dried by any means The next correct step is a letter stating the issue and how the OP wishes the matter solved , a complete refund is not unreasonable The car cannot be moved , nor any repair work under gone until authorisation has come back from the seller I agree that any inspection as to what caused the failure and whether the car was serviced or not is immaterial
  15. Has anyone got theirs yet?, I'm still waiting on mine and have a boot full of brake parts that I want to fit
  16. I doubt it did have a service however that is irrelevant
  17. http://www.which.co.uk/consumer-rights/action/letter-rejecting-a-second-hand-car-bought-from-a-dealer/?gclid=CjwKEAiAvauyBRDwuYf3qNyXmW4SJACX9-fXIAtNPJa3NwFCl5MnAGjlKWM35mI2jZ7OxSMjN0NVHRoC--Xw_wcB draft letter on here
  18. He cant prove it either can he ? It works on probability, you need to write the letter and you need to document the process. You shouldnt take the car back and you should follow the advice of your solicitor , not the people on here however well meaning they are
  19. You are doing all you can . Its up to you to prove the car had a fault on it prior to you buying it .
  20. Has he seen the car ? Have you told him it ran out of oil ? I'd be seeking legal advice if it were me
  21. If you assume the oil was full which is a dangerous assumption. The dealer has got a good defence imo. Would have been a lot simpler had the op checked the oil even after the event and topped it if needed. Not going to be a straightforward one here
  22. Would a change of bumper potentially help airflow and therefore aid cooling ? Looking on the brightside here Bodyboarder - dom is helping me out with a parts list for the Quaife , I know he bought it direct from Quaife and it was £816
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