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Everything posted by Richf

  1. Water evaporates at much less than 100 degrees , but you are absolutely right , too low an oil temp is just as bad . Modern synthetic oils will not break down at the temperatures seen in a modern engine , they are tested at much much higher temperatures
  2. Richf

    tyres on a budget

    Nothing wrong with remoulds a large proportion of tyres on the roads are remoulds
  3. Yep what he said , I use a fishing bag but a cool bag is another option , anything with/for detailing will be four times the price
  4. Richf

    tyres on a budget

    I had Eagle F1's on my Evo 6 and they were awesome but the design has altered a few times in the last few years Mine have done about 4000 miles or so now , they were bad earlier this year (I kept the wheels from my old car and put them on this one) the day the Supra crashed in front of me on the way to Silverstone it was wet, cold and around freezing , every gear change caused slip even barely touching the gas, will try dropping the pressure down a bit this year On my old car with bolts on it would step out on a regular basis on cold days
  5. Richf

    tyres on a budget

    I'm a huge fan of the MPSS and they do transform the car but if I had to use my car all year round I wouldn't have them , the way the grip drops off below 10 degrees is very off putting not that you can get 470hp down easily at the best of times but even shifting at light throttle will lose grip on mine I'd probably got for Eagle F1's they have long been my all year round tyre of choice
  6. I'd spend a little more and try and get a post 2012 version , quite a few upgrades , miles are less important than the revision imo
  7. Richf

    tyres on a budget

    Someone in the HSV club has had Kumho KU39's split twice , apparently they have a manufacturing fault according to their technical dept , wouldnt fill me with confidence, i stand by my previous statement , budget tyres for budget cars not performance cars
  8. Windows should back off when they meet resistance , the days of people getting things trapped should be long gone
  9. On that model really straightforward but i'd try bleeding the clutch first myself , have you checked the level ?
  10. Shell is 99 and there is some 102 stuff available in the Netherlands but you wont notice any difference For a piece of mind get a bottle of this and you can fill up with 95 if required http://lucasoil.com/products/fuel-treatments/lucas-octane-booster
  11. 97 is ok and I've had no issues getting that on the continent , but there is a decent Shell app so you can normally find one easy enough
  12. I like the fact it has a window switch on it , using WOT shifting will help your consistency on the drag strip no end
  13. There is no switch in the glovebox on mine , its a September 2012, maybe the later ones do
  14. You can get those on stock rims , you can fit up to a 305 on the back which is popular in the US , a 255/35/19 would have been a better choice for the front though as its closer in rolling radius to the stock 245/40/19
  15. If you are going to do something like this why not go for a LS engine , much much less work and its been done on 370z's there are kits available in the US
  16. No there is no facility to switch the air bag off but there is a pressure sensor in the seat so the air bag only triggers is someone is sat on it , a child might not enable the system but you will need further clarification on it to be sure
  17. You can remove it many do, or secure it with wire or jubilee clips
  18. I dont think its true Alcantara , a damp cloth is sufficient for cleaning, if its really bad a spray bottle with a couple of drops of fairly in it should clean it with a light spritz, since the leather is sealed most products will have limited results, i like the Zaino stuff though for the smell
  19. Richf

    Clay bars

    I have to say after a couple of years using a clay cloth I've gone back to using soft Bilt Hamber clay , it just prefer the feel and to see the results on the clay , I always use lube , never go in dry !
  20. You did buy an almost 10 year old car with 70k on it , it will not be without some issues . Specialists have said the engine noise is normal so you cant reject on the "knocking" Most of the other things are maintenance issues really, I dont see a straightforward case for rejection here
  21. its more to stop stuff like grass touching it so just bear than in mind when you park
  22. its just a shield , some people remove them or secure then with a couple of jubilee clips
  23. Nice project , a mat eof mine made some right angled nitrous foggers using a 3d printer To be fair there is unlikely to be any benefit and it could even be detrimental to smooth it too much
  24. That hasnt worked the site is not usable on android mobiles devices for me
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