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Everything posted by Richf

  1. I actually know someone who might like them for his Skyline , where in Essex are you ?
  2. I really like the Optimum one , use it a lot at shows , you mix it with water and it goes a long way http://www.optimumcarcare.com/oidet.php?li=4 I use BSD as well though , the Optimum is easier to use as the BSD can be a little sticky but both are good products
  3. Its still on axel stands, if it aint going to drive properly up in the air whats the point dropping it and trying to reverse up my drive lol!! Scared of doing damage... its dark now i only fitted the prop earlier this evening.. i MAY try reverse tomorrow after work just to see what happens.... So I assume you are running it on axle stands with your foot on the footbrake also ? If so the car may cut the throttle, the 370z if does this if the front wheels arent moving with the brakes applied , so you cant do a burnout As said you need to roadtest it
  4. Its certainly no louder than a convertible with the roof down and loads of people buy those! I guess one mans issue is another mans feature , personally I hate the manuals, couldnt live with one myself Maybe motorcyclists do ignore the noise better as i'm an ex-biker, many people complain about the Prius being noisy also and i dont find that the case in the wifes one , but then i think cars have gotten too quiet really
  5. Yep same here was fixed for a while but came back over weekend , seems ok today
  6. I never found it that loud , the GT edition is a little quieter than the older ones but I never drove the older car on the motorway, had no issue doing long trips in either of my 370'z but its true they aren't quiet and refined but 1) Its a sportscar and 2) You are sat really close to the rear wheels
  7. Myson is 6ft 3 but he should fit in the back
  8. Welcome Why is your front bumper missing ?
  9. unlikely to have cat shields with no cats fitted
  10. So when you say decatted you mean the cats have been gutted rather than decats fitted ?
  11. Best bet is to get it on a ramp and bang each box with your fist , its not unknown for baffles to break up and rattle over time
  12. Supercharged 370 to Supercharged XF Well after selling Reggie on, I was on the search for a practical 4 seater, ideally with a V8 , had a shortlist of the Lexus IS-F, Lexus RC-F (Looked at these before but wife didnt like it) and the Vauxhall VXR8 E1 and the Gen F (again wife wasnt a fan but was hoping to convince her) Not really considered a Jag , never owned one but always liked the XF and the work of the designer Ian Callam as he did the AM Vanquish which is my dream car So saw a one owner XF-R at a local dealer and took it for a spin. Very quick car with stonking torque (Which i missed even with the S/C 370) and not at all barge-like as I expected
  13. Fuel warning , zero miles left in tank , hence the steady dfiving
  14. I drove like a vicar to get this
  15. Yeah for me they should test using all 3 main configs FF FR 4wd would give a more complete overview of what the rubber can or can't do. I think its more complicated than that , I reckon vehicle weight is a huge factor as well but ultimately its down to how the driver feels and that is entirely subjective , anyone who gets to the limit of their tyres regularly on the public road is probably doing something wrong
  16. Richf

    NEW Nissan Micra

    Japanese design and French workmanship , worst of both worlds , although I quite like the look of it
  17. Yep they are springs , not sure its an improvement as the springs have been known to drop off
  18. They changed the name and the design slightly the q300 was the early one and its know called the Gemini
  19. Many years ago, someone I knew hired a Range Rover and swapped the engine with his very tired one. A mate of mine was a mechanic in central Bristol when the Sierra Cossie was launched ,when the first one came in for a service each mechanic enjoyed a joyride in it thrashing it around until some spilt oil caused a minor engine fire this was quickly put out and the engine bay jetwashed to leave no sign , unfortunately for the customer when he collected the car he switched the blowers on and got a face full of dry powder that had filled the vents , the resulting shock caused him to crash into a parked car.
  20. Part number - SNN0920-6P-BK Zinc plated with black sleeving https://goodridge-uk.myshopify.com/products/car-brake-kit-for-nissan-370z-2009-2012 Will fit UK 370z's up to 2012 (Not Nismo version) New box has been opened to offer them up hence why I know Nissan changed the design in 2012 £100 posted
  21. New and unused although packet has been opened fits all 350z and 370z models Whiteline full kit - info here http://www.whiteline.com.au/product_detail4.php?part_number=KDT911 £60 posted uk
  22. https://www.z1motorsports.com/transmission-driveline/z1-motorsports/z1-motorsports-370z-g37-high-capacity-differential-cover-kit-p-8876.html Fits all model 370z inc Nismo Brand new in the box , never fitted , comes with RTV sealant and all parts ready to fit Gives increases oil capacity and improved cooling for fast road/track work, really well made item. £150 posted UK
  23. Kinda what I said in the budget tyre thread , i dont rate the MPSS in the wet and on cold roads they can be tricky . Always surprised Continentals do so well , I have SC 5 on my Skoda and dont really think they are that great either but other people seem to rate them
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