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Everything posted by Richf

  1. yep about £3k more than stock i'd say
  2. Is that based on fill to fill calculations or using the ambitious on board display ?
  3. Thinks its every 7500miles but i did mine at 5k along with engine oil
  4. Should probably edit #21 Owner ??? - 370z GT Edition Stillen Supercharger (Vortech V3) 9lb pulley, test pipes on ark grip exhaust: 469bhp, 350 lb/ft
  5. Changing the oil on the V3 is a doddle and not expensive if you buy a few at a time around £17 a go Mind you I wouldnt suggest supercharging any engine thats burning oil !
  6. If your car is using oil , fill it up the max line and check it when you arrive
  7. By the time the light comes on the damage is usually done . It can be tricky checking the oil on the DE
  8. Can I tag onto this ? We currently have Amazon prime fire tv boxes and a Sky HD + multiroom , we use the Amazon box to watch Netflix and Prime and find that we rarely use the Sky anymore apart from F1 and I am tiring of that I would like to get rid of the Sky box and get a recordable freeview or freesat box any suggestions ? I assume that Kodi box is the same as the amazon box ?
  9. Merc E Class diesel , get one with good bodywork the running gear is solid http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201610098590816?price-to=4000&onesearchad=Used&onesearchad=Nearly%20New&onesearchad=New&sort=price-asc&postcode=s427nh&advertising-location=at_cars&make=MERCEDES-BENZ&body-type=Estate&price-from=3000&minimum-seats=5&radius=1500&page=1
  10. Wouldnt it make more sense to up the limit on the power magic unit to allow better battery voltage , alternatively you can get separate battery packs for the blackvue , not cheap but can save a lot of hassle https://www.blackvue.com/power-magic-battery-pack/ I was once told it takes 7 miles of driving to put back the power into a battery that was taken just from starting it so it would take a long time and will put a fair bit of stress on your charging system if you need to do this all the time
  11. Redex does work its not snake oil but the detergents in it are largely found in fuels like V power anyhow Back when I was racing dragbikes I would soak my valves in redex and it would help to dissolve the carbon build up and make them much easier to clean
  12. £90 posted anyone , thats a £25 saving
  13. Andy has just done an audio install on his own 370z , something i was planning had i kept mine
  14. Probably need to check the valve lash , it could need the valve clearances adjusting
  15. I've only had one V8 before and that was a Rover SD1 back in 1992 , it was unremarkable apart from having two sunroofs !
  16. Collected it on Friday , dealer went to a lot of trouble very surprised as it was a 4 year old car , Nissan didnt bother when i bought my 2 year old 370z for similar money Friday afternoon and today spent cleaning , quick job for now as its a little snug for working on in the garage as it only just fits with 1" to spare but boy did this need a clay , went through almost 2 bars of BH clay , whizz over with Dodo lime prime , again filthy pad and then a coat of Poorboys EX-P as I said quick job as its raining
  17. Is 120 psi an issue ? I thought thats where they go to anyhow on a good engine
  18. Another Octavian here but a MY15 petrol VRS , lot of fun to drive and averages 35mpg
  19. yep check all your earths
  20. That supercharger spec is capable of delivering 600hp easily , its more like 560hp at the fly though with 520 at the hubs (Not wheels) , still stout though Dunno about this £1000 deposit to start the car rubbish. I was happy to take anyone out in my supercharged 370z and happy for them to drive with proof of insurance , its just a car
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