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About gumpy000

  • Birthday 04/10/1986

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Z Fanatic

Z Fanatic (4/7)



  1. Guys! I afraid i have now sold the ZED! cant believe it as of yet but it went last night. Lovely to meet you all and now start spending you lot! hhaha. May see you all again soon!
  2. You never know i may be back but i would like to give this Forum and the lovely people i have met through here, a BIG THANK YOU! you guys have been fab and helped me alot. Also help me alot, spend ALOT. haha thank you guys!
  3. gumpy000

    NEW car!?

    hmmm I have had a convertable before and not really a fan.not used enough and can ruin a shape. 6k i kinow isnt much but thought id see what i could get reccommendations for. possible just go for a hr zed? lol
  4. gumpy000

    NEW car!?

    This is obviously the first thought, but i kinda want a 4 seater. I love the zed but want more power and ideally 4 seats. BMW i have previosuly considered but aftercare and costs are so high. Impreza I would consider but want to find the right one if i did!
  5. gumpy000

    NEW car!?

    Hi all, SO i think I may have sold my beloved Zed. unfortunate times but hey... If i was going to spend around 6k on another car, would would you suggest to buy? I want either FAST! or stunning looking.....both would be amazing obviously. I dont mind age as long as its a good relaible car and not renault. what do you suggest?
  6. gumpy000


    Crv crap. Qashqai awesome
  7. Price drop due to damm bumper! But now affordable.
  8. I can fit one but need to buy one? preferably in GM but if not where is best to buy new?
  9. Bump. Where is best for a new front bumper?
  10. I so wish i could say like others....GTR, but i would only be dreaming. haha
  11. Yup - possibly. depends if it sells. I'm up for offers of course, but this could be to pay for career training and some house renovations.
  12. https://www.gumtree.com/p/cars-vans-motorbikes/nissan-350z-gt-280bhp/1186166231 I know what some of you will say, break it. Too expensive. Etc. I'm not in a rush to sell. For the right buyer this is in fantastic condition (minus bumper) Full Nissan History. All by same dealer, bought from dealer. And I work at that dealer. Looking for selling private as some of you may be interested. If not roll on next summer. Cheers guys.
  13. Hi all I'm in need of a new front bumper. Ideally I'd love to go new but we will see. Anyone got one for sale in good condition and in Gun Metal? Or does anyone know of any that do not need LOTS of work to fit if new? Thanks.
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