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About AndyG8nby

  • Birthday 10/04/1972


  • Location
    North Yorkshire

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Z Fanatic

Z Fanatic (4/7)



  1. Cheers Andy I will still be keeping an eye out for weekend away meets as would still love to attend just not in a Zed.
  2. We also got rid on the Nismo juke RS, my wife liked it but I never got on with it as it tried to kill you on full power lol
  3. Well after 6 years of ownership we finally made the decision to let the Z go as it just wasn't getting used due to busy weekends and the fact we both walk to work. We had put a lot of time and money into the car and I hadn't planned on selling it anytime soon but it also pained me that it was just sat there not getting the attention it deserved. I also hadn't planned on it selling within 24hrs, James who I'm sure will be along soon messaged me as soon as I put it up for sale, we talked and he jumped on the train from Bath and drove away at lunch time. Me and my Wife have attended many meets and weekends away, Lake Z, Coventry, and the motor museum last year and have met some great people too many too mention and would like to thank you all for some fun times. I will still be lurking here and if any weekend away meets come up again we would still like to catch up just not in a Z. Cheers Andy.
  4. I think he's been banned from any track related activity
  5. Wow awesome work these are going to look great.
  6. I believe they where the Ecsta le sport KU39, Friend of mine has them on his Evo and he rates them also.
  7. I have had Khumo sport tyres on a few cars and always found them to be very good.
  8. Well done Andy and the team for organising a great weekend, and well done to all that made the effort and attended. These weekend events are always fantastic but take a lot of organising so the hard work is really appreciated. It was nice to see a lot af familiar faces and meet new members too, catch up and have a beer or two. The evening meal at the Hilton was very good and the staff where very accommodating going the extra mile in supplying extra bread buns when we where running a little low . Looking forward to the next one
  9. Final instructions are on page 7 on the main thread, Arrival time 9.30 so can my other half have a bit of a lie in?
  10. Am I missing something I thought arrival time was 9.30 at the museum?
  11. What time approx. will you be passing the Hatton Arms Pub?
  12. Which way are you heading from there? I have booked a Premier inn on the Friday night at Balsall Common.
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