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Everything posted by tatooandy67

  1. Good lookin zed, nice scenery, nice day..... Win win
  2. ^^^ hat trick of sunsets (previous page)......niiice
  3. Lookin niiice love the colour combo with the black wheels and black accents sets off that kit nicely
  4. Nice looking kit, especially like the rear spoiler
  5. Looking nice, lovely looking zed and the rays look 😎
  6. Wow, not seen this thread before. Some beautiful zeds on here 👠My favourite color for zeds
  7. +1 absolutely gorgeous Sweet I'll look for some recent pics and post them when I get chance, he will be pleased
  8. Thank you I shall tell him he has another fan he accepts compliments very well
  9. Niiiiice, love jags, have owned a few over the years. Yours looks especially good without the chrome looks menacing
  10. Hi& welcome Hope you get her back on the road soon
  11. Name : (Japeta Orinoco) George Make : British short hair Model : blue Age : almost 5 years dob April 2009 Came to live with us at 16 weeks old Indoor only Likes: being around people (only people he knows) sitting on laps, any lap will do as long as you sit still long enough he'll be on you. Loves listening to iPod, as long as the words in the songs are changed so they are about George. Squirty cream, sweets, prawns and chicken & cheese (small tins of cat food which contain chicken & cheese) Sitting in the window or on his balcony soaking up the sun His over stuffed toy box and his 8 ft long tunnel (fun tube from toys r us for toddlers) Any cardboard box Lying in front of the fire warming his belly Playing fetch Sleeping His water fountain Dislikes: Strangers including all workmen, metre readers etc Outside - he's quite agrophobic Waiting for anything - when he wants it he wants it NOW Loud noises Being told no Small children
  12. Nice looking zed, I'm sure both sets will look sweet, although the first one gets my vote, I'm sure someone will be along soon
  13. I'm averaging 19 round town normal stop/start sitting in traffic etc, bit less if I hit the loud pedal and maybe 30 ish on motorway but I don't really pay much attention to mpg i just fill her when she's running low and enjoy driving my zed
  14. Hi, welcome Nice looking zed, great colour combination
  15. Hi, glad your enjoying your zed Was there ever any doubt, 2 seats, rwd, big engine with plenty of torque and bhp and looks to die for = winning combination Zeds rule
  16. Hi, congrats on acquiring your new zed Plenty of info and knowledgable and friendly people on here to help you out, look in build threads and contact traders on here or just post your questions that's what I do and usually get plenty of answers. the zeditis has a hold of you already, there's no turning back now
  17. Get it done Of course if you want the power all the time SC is the way ahead mmmm food for thought better get saving
  18. Congrats. Lovely looking zed. Well deserved 1st place
  19. Hi & welcome Congrats in your new zed, best move I made was getting a zed, you will definitely get more smiles per miles now. Any pics ?
  20. Sweet looking zed, love the clean look with black burgers, wheels look great too in that colour combo with the body mods
  21. @keyser Thank you for your response That has answered my earlier questions + more Definitely something I need to research as this is something I am very interested in Seems like a huge availability (at the flick of a switch so to speak) of extra power for a reasonable expense
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