Name : (Japeta Orinoco) George
Make : British short hair
Model : blue
Age : almost 5 years dob April 2009
Came to live with us at 16 weeks old
Indoor only
being around people (only people he knows) sitting on laps, any lap will do as long as you sit still long enough he'll be on you.
Loves listening to iPod, as long as the words in the songs are changed so they are about George.
Squirty cream, sweets, prawns and
chicken & cheese (small tins of cat food which contain chicken & cheese)
Sitting in the window or on his balcony soaking up the sun
His over stuffed toy box and his 8 ft long tunnel (fun tube from toys r us for toddlers)
Any cardboard box
Lying in front of the fire warming his belly
Playing fetch
His water fountain
Strangers including all workmen, metre readers etc
Outside - he's quite agrophobic
Waiting for anything - when he wants it he wants it NOW
Loud noises
Being told no
Small children