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Everything posted by tatooandy67

  1. tatooandy67

    Z badges

    I think asads badges/emblems are different I've looked at them aswell, there are cf z emblems on the z store website which IMO look rather nice if a little pricey
  2. tatooandy67

    Z badges

    Only place I've seen them is the z store over in USA so p&p + import taxes may be a bit pricey for what they are, if you find a uk trader let us know as I'm after something similar
  3. Very nice colour combination Dark wheels look especially good on lighter colour cars IMO Love the black roof too.... ðŸ‘
  4. So far ok, there is only 2 speed bumps where I work and I take those quite slowly and at a slight angle(much to the annoyance of cars behind me) other than that I just do my best to plan my routes to avoid them. Getting on/off the drive seems ok as I again go very slowly and at an angle, clearance really only seems to be an issue with the lower edge of the front bumper, if I get that clear it seems ok.... Famous last words, I'll probably scrape it now on my way home Haven't put a front lip on yet .... that may be an issue but will have to wait and see
  5. Hopefully the paperwork is with the salesman/garage and is in correct order and was merely an oversight good luck
  6. Hi, as others have said stay calm call salesman and explain in a calm way that you have not been given the service book etc, Remind him that the ad clearly states history and ask ...... Having been in disputes with sales/garages before even though you don't feel calm this is the best way to proceed. Allow salesman to either a. Apologise and arrange said documentation to be forwarded to you or b. squirm and try to blag his way out at which point the car becomes not as advertised so you are by law entitled to a full refund due to misleading advertising / not as described/advertised/misrepresentation Good luck, hope you get the resolution you're after
  7. Hi, went for ark gt-f springs 30f 25r & eibach spacers 25f 20r CS did the supply & fit only been on 2 days, no correction kit fitted yet, car feels.drives ok, will get alignment checked/altered when everything settled after couple hundred miles or so and post back results
  8. Big thanks to Mitz and co, thanks again for going the extra mile with my suspension, spacers and tints ... Until next time
  9. Looking sweet, love what you've done
  10. As we're posting cats/kittens here's a recent pic of George surveying all that is his.....(by that I mean everything as everything he sees belongs to him)
  11. Thank you I'm very pleased with the results Mitz & his team did a great job
  12. Hi Bandit, can tell from one look you're full of mischief, what a gorgeous looking cat
  13. Hi & welcome, hope you find what your looking for
  14. Hi, he's a gorgeous kitten, how about calling him frank
  15. Sweet, ye I think speed bumps should be ok, will let you know about splitter when I decide which one to go for
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