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Everything posted by tatooandy67

  1. Hi Harry, welcome to this great forum, there is a section on here which has zeds for sale Hope you find the zed you're looking for good luck with the search Andy
  2. Looks sweet, got a set of these on my to do list, are you leaving them black or painting them ? Nice looking zed btw ðŸ‘
  3. Very entertaining, lovely collection of cars, very nice pics
  4. Hi and welcome, looks sweet & I'm sure you will soon work through the small niggles you mentioned
  5. Looks very nice as is but as you said orange/black combo is very striking, having said that from the pics posted on this forum your engine bay is one of my favourites so if it were mine I would leave it as is and enjoy
  6. tatooandy67

    Key Fobs

    Hi tim, had the same issue not long after picking up my 370.... My first thought was oh s#Â¥* after reading about the steering lock issue, as above check on here for up to which vin numbers are affected..I think the affected cars are up to around mid 2010.. Luckily mine turned out to be batteries needed replacing in the fobs very cheap and easy fix, there is a how to thread on here somewhere I would try changing fob batteries first and take it from there good luck
  7. Very nice, bet you're well pleased, lovely colour, very nice mods, two tone seats look sweet
  8. tatooandy67

    Z badges

    This is the black on carbon my favourite
  9. tatooandy67

    Z badges

    That's them, they also do a black Z with carbon backing which IMO looks especially sweet, if I could persuade the gaffer (mrs) they are worth the price I'd definitely get a pair Asad has the z emblem/badge in the second pic I think they're about £20 each
  10. Lovely looking zed and fantastic scenery, looks like win win
  11. 46, full ncd, clean licence £380 fully comprehensive
  12. tatooandy67

    Z badges

    Very nice......looks much better with Z emblems are they from Asad Sorry to go slightly off topic but gotta say the front 'fangs' look sweet in black, is that wrapped or painted black
  13. tatooandy67

    Z badges

    I think asads badges/emblems are different I've looked at them aswell, there are cf z emblems on the z store website which IMO look rather nice if a little pricey Yeah, had that style on my 350, changed to asad's satin on my 370 (much cheaper ) Asad had some satin black a while back they looked nice and better priced ðŸ‘
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