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Everything posted by tatooandy67

  1. Before..... (when I got her October '13) After.... Love a bit of pic whoring I know not a 350 but still a zed and any chance to post a pic
  2. Does it start faster ? Looks how many extra bhp do you think it will give me
  3. Update......small mod but I'm very pleased Got gtr start button from steve350 ...
  4. Fitted my shiny red gtr start button Nice one steve350 Unfortunately put a small indent on the leather surrounding the button but I'm sure I can sort it....
  5. Hi & welcome Good luck with the search Sure some 350 owners will be along soon
  6. Sweet Cf suits that colour zed best IMO
  7. I want I mean need one of these ^^^ Hope they got them in silver
  8. Living the dream Double post .... Too much birthday cheer
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