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Everything posted by tatooandy67

  1. They look sweet Did you spray those yourself ?
  2. Hi & welcome Good luck with the search Bet that Westfield was fun to drive
  3. Hi, congratulations on your purchase Lovely looking zed
  4. op sorry for the hijack 14N, sweet, I've heard of them think I may have to have a drive over have a chat, may just have decided my next mod
  5. I think you may have persuaded me Have to check with the boss (mrs) Did you have it done local ?
  6. Looks sweet with the black roof aswell (why didn't I think of that)
  7. Sweet, we doing pics now here's mine done at CS Not sure what it's called, looks dark from outside but rear view is ok from inside
  8. Hi & welcome, look forward to some pics, photobucket works well and it's free & easy to use What mods you got planned, it's a slippery slope you know once you start you won't be able to stop (modding that is)
  9. Daily driver for me ......sorry I mean very enjoyable daily driver for me
  10. Personal opinion/taste I think they look nice in black on some car colours but better when painted the same colour as the car IMO but each to their own but looking through posts on here it seems reasonably easy to DIY with rattle cans Sorry double post
  11. Personal opinion/taste I think they look nice in black on some car colours but better when painted the same colour as the car IMO but each to their own but looking through posts on here it seems reasonably easy to DIY with rattle cans
  12. Sweet, congratulations on your new zed She looks stunning What plans do you have for future mods, if you're anything like me and so many others on here your to do list will just keep on growing
  13. Look forward to your review of this, I have been torn between invidia and cobra exhaust can't make my mind up
  14. Looks 1000000% better tinted, really suits both 350 & 370 & Mitz & co @cs did a great job
  15. I also had a 1973 mk3 cortina, the doors could be opened by just about any key so to try to prevent it being stolen I used to remove the centre lead from the distributor so it wouldn't start, lost count of the amount of times I found it 100 yards down the road where car thieves had given up after trying unsuccessfully to bump start it. Once got it stuck in the sand at Weston supermare beach and had to have it towed off. One time it wouldn't start, turned out the points were fried, picked up a set and refitted but had no feeler blades to set gap, turns out the card off a cigarette packet was just the right thickness for setting the gap(wise old fella showed me that) Lots of fond memories of that old nail (most of which I can't share) but it eventually gave in to the dreaded rust and ended up in the local scrap yard.....glad I moved on from old bangers
  16. Hi & welcome Very unusual car you have there Methanol funny car/ supercharged ford pop sound like fun, a friend at work has an interest in similar he's into vintage yank v8 pickups
  17. Hi & welcome Good luck finding the right zed
  18. Very nice looking zed Great progress Bet your to do list is still as long as when you started though Modding especially on a zed is very very addictive but you already know that I'm guessing Look forward to the next instalment
  19. Hi & welcome Sounds like a good plan
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