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Everything posted by tatooandy67

  1. Hi is this offer still valid ? If so I'll send you a pm request for further details I'm looking to order from seibon uk on 15th June, Thanks Andy Hi, if collection is my preferred method do I collect direct from seibon uk in beds or is there another uk supplier Thanks Andy
  2. Hi & welcome Good to hear you're enjoying your zed
  3. Fed up with my dust caps getting pinched so got a set of flush valves fitted, very small mod but worth it for my own sanity Excuse the dirty wheels...... it's raining
  4. Hi & welcome Pamela is a beauty Try the traders section on here, plenty of modded cars on here so someone should be along soon Which kit / mods are you planning to add
  5. Anyone on here ? I was in the silver 370 behind you, gave a quick bib on the horn as I went past
  6. Hi & welcome Interesting car history Great looking zed
  7. Got to love the convoy shots Never seen so many zeds all in one place, truly an amazing sight
  8. Good job you were there or this tw*t would have just got away with it, makes my blood boil Hopefully you'll get it sorted quickly with no lasting damage
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