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Everything posted by tatooandy67

  1. Absolutely agree I do exactly the same, sometimes people look at me like I've lost the plot but these checks have to be done when the herd mentality of other drivers makes them park next to me like the pic the op posted
  2. While I was out polishing my zed today a chap nearly crashed as he turned the corner while he was gazing at my beauty.....I had to smile smugly to myself as the car he nearly hit was not very pleased as he swerved with his hand firmly on the horn .....
  3. Luckily the sky has cleared over my way now which is unusual as the weather usually kicks me in the ass every time I get the polish out but I've optimistically got my fingers crossed
  4. Decided to take a chance and get the polish out.... hope if doesn't rain
  5. Just gave her a wash & rinse, having a quick rest while I decide wether or not to add a bit of polish
  6. Hi & welcome Have you considered fitting a tablet (iPad mini, Samsung etc) if you want a screen/nav, sure I've seen it done on here
  7. Yes, mine is too It will engage reverse & 1st ok & all other gears slip in but is a bit tight to get 2nd until it's warmed up a bit, I was concerned at first but as others have said once warm it's smooth as silk, thought it was me at first as I'd driven autos for the last 6+ years, I've got used to it now I take extra care when changing from 1st to 2nd until she's warmed up
  8. Awesome idea, never actually seen it before. Where did you get this done? Sent from Tapatalk Got the flush valve kit from eBay £15 and had local tyre fitter install them
  9. Hi, welcome to the forum Got any pics
  10. GM 350 you stopped to let me out of the shopping precinct car park around 4:15 I was in the silver 370 Turned left at traffic lights behind me then a bus got in the way Anyone on here.....if so
  11. I have owned my 370 for around 7 months now and I just have to say I LOVE IT, I'm happy sales in the U.K. are low, I'm glad a lot of people don't know what it is and I'm enjoying the exclusivity so for me at least the 370z does work extremely well I'm not bothered that maybe some aspects are a little unrefined or the fuel bill is a bit high and storage space is a touch on the small side IMO it's a great car and I'm extremely happy to be part of quite an exclusive owners club, my only niggle.....I wish I'd bought one sooner
  12. Hi & welcome Your budget should give you plenty of scope Drive many before you decide, you'll know when you find the right one Good luck with the search
  13. Agreed but on the few occasions I see another zed out there I won't be deterred and I shall continue to in the hopes one day my enthusiasm will be reciprocated...... Come on forum members and enthusiasts there has to be at least one time we'll pass each other and give a or a look out for me I'm the waving, smiling chap in the silver 370
  14. .....I was sat in traffic next to a sunset convertible while on my way home in my 370 the other day gave a smile and a wave no response...... Perhaps she didn't see me .... As luck would have it she turned off the same road as me and pulled in so I gave a little beep and slowed down as I passed, again I gave a smile and a wave.... The lady driving the 350 looked across at me, this is it I thought I'm gonna get a wave back.... The look of confusion and worry on her face was quite the picture so I just put my head down and drove off feeling rather embarrassed......she's definitely not a member of the lets acknowledge other zeds club grumpy z owners indeed
  15. Great pics of some beautiful zeds Nice scenery too
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