Yeah they are pretty mental cars. They weigh next to nothing and its pretty easy to get 200bhp out of them. I remember back in about 2000 I test drove a S1 Elise and was staggered at how slow and sluggish it was. I then realised my 5 GTT had about twice the power to weight ratio to it so no wonder the Elise felt slow!
Ive just started getting mine back on the road, as its been sitting in my garage for about 10 years as ive not had the time to work on it due to being distracted with my other projects. Ive set up a blog on it if you want to check it out..
I dunno, I think its all down to how you ride really. I shudder when I think of the ridiculous stuff me & my mates would do on the roads. Now when we go out we are much more sensible and take a lot less risks. I still see some right idiots though thinking they are rossi and every now and then i`ll have a play with them and show them up, but in the main I try to stay away from people like that.
Very interesting read, I'll be keenly following this for updates