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Everything posted by tatooandy67

  1. If you're going to post it then be prepared for responses either positive or negative and take it on the chin if it's not what you wanted to be told, if it's a good response then sweet, if a persons latest mod isn't to everyone's taste oh well as long as your happy with it If overcharged or poor service etc it's good to get it on here to help others not make the same mistake, if you get a poor service or are overcharged then IMO name and shame so other members know to steer clear
  2. Should be called the homer burger
  3. ^^^ looking sharp, gloss black sounds sweet, look forward to some fitted pics
  4. My zed lives outside so I have to deal with frozen windows etc. I just spray a bit of de icer around the edges and bottom of the drivers window before I open the door, always works for me
  5. Batman tumbler looks cool, last set I got was 4x4 crawler (9398) Mrs got it for me last xmas
  6. No kids but I'm a big fan of lego 😎 Hence, I'm the kid 😠Me too mostly Lego technic for me though, I guess we never grow out of some things
  7. I usually use tesco but may have to find a local shell garage now as I'm a massive Lego fan
  8. +1 I've not got fb either ('cos I'm old) But curious about this wax also Btw your zed looks great
  9. Fingers x'd for a dry weekend, look forward to some pics
  10. Doh! Now why didn't I think of that. Local halfrauds haven got any. eBay to confusing thread type etc. motor factors around here are worse than halfords. But thanks for your input. Is there a wheelmania local to you, I've always found them to be very helpful with all things wheel related
  11. Your build is certainly gaining momentum, no stopping you now. Looking very tidy & I bet it sounds great now you have that cobra exhaust fitted
  12. Top job, love the stitch pattern on the centre seat panels
  13. Top job, looks great, gloss black roof really suits the lighter colours (especially silver) IMO although I may have a slightly biased view
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