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Everything posted by tatooandy67

  1. Drive my zed every day so for me every day is like Friday
  2. 1. glrnet x2 2. GMballistic x1 3. Grundy225 x1 (Might have 2 ) 4. Keyser x1 5. Veeg33 x1 6. Scott_f91 x1 7.Andy James x1 8. Dunks x1 9. 14N x1 10. Sam McGoo 11. Mikeyazure x1 12. DoogyRev x1 13. Stoker11 x 1 14. Paddy78 x 1 15. tatooandy67 x 1 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
  3. Be prepared for the oem knob to get damaged Mine ended up in 3 pieces Had to use a pair of grips on the shaft and a bigger pair of grips on the gear knob (wrapped in a towel) unfortunately it wouldn't budge so enlisted help from a pal, I held the grips on the shaft while my pal twisted the gear knob. Lots of loctite holding it in place and unfortunately it split under the force Lots of swearing but we eventually succeeded however the oem knob was toast by the time we got it off
  4. I got my seibon bonnet through Mitz at CS Great service and quick delivery maybe worthwhile browsing the seibon website then contacting the traders on here see if they can help
  5. Happy bday folks have a great day
  6. Look forward to getting my hands on one of these when they're released
  7. Made me chuckle reading this in a basil fawlty voice in my head
  8. Top job, looking sweet Be prepared for your to do list to keep growing though as zeditis is relentless
  9. silver/grey 350z coupe bickenhill today about 4:15 heading toward b'ham airport I was in a silver 370z sitting in a traffic jam going the other way
  10. **** left mine at the garage when I changed it, didn't think they had a resale value
  11. Top job, shiny shiny Looks great, sounds great win win Ps needs a stubby couldn't resist
  12. ^^^ this forum is great for inspiration, lots of things I've seen on various threads on here I would not have known about if I weren't a member here
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