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Everything posted by tatooandy67

  1. ^^^ PM steve350 at redline styling on here
  2. ^^^ standard = white button, gtr = red button (Not my hand in the pic btw)
  3. Mine was also registered 09/2010, not had an issue yet (thought I was safe for above reason- chassis no. outside affected range) Better keep an eye on this thread now incase mine decides to go south
  4. Sweet, will do still exploring so any and all suggestions are welcome, had another mooch and feel around but we've not had any rain since I found and dried the puddle so no damp areas to help further my investigation, never thought I'd ever be wishing for / waiting for rain
  5. No idea If ever you're over that way though try some battered chips, I tried them when I was over that way earlier this year mmmm Sorry, off topic, please feel free to get back to original thread
  6. Have a look at theZstore.com I looked at these but couldn't find a uk seller, so it's probably going to be import from USA, I'm sure someone on here recently fitted these to a Le Mans blue 370 looked sweet
  7. mmmmm carbon & leather Looking very nice
  8. Looks sweet, love the white and black combo
  9. tatooandy67

    Wheel Refurb

    Turn around in a day, I dropped mine off at 8am picked up at close of business same day That was in Birmingham but I'd imagine they're all pretty much the same time to turnaround For a standard refurb
  10. Hi & My 370 is a daily driver, always makes me smile every day
  11. Sweet, I'll have a look tomorrow, nice 1
  12. Gotta say mate I've done this lots of times, fitting reverse cam, led bulbs etc and the cheapy panel removal tools are a god send, got mine off eBay, can't recommend them enough, saves you breaking clips and scraping knuckles Sweet, got a set at work, used one to tease out my start button when I changed it, bit like miniature plastic crowbars, knew they'd come in handy at some time Bet I'll still end up with scraped knuckles though
  13. ^^^ nice 1 Can't do anything now til the weekend, early start at work and dark when I get home, will have a mooch Saturday if it's not raining
  14. No, but was wondering maybe the seal round the light. How easy/difficult would it be to remove the light to check the seals round the rear light ?
  15. Hi & Enjoy your new found youth, a zed will certainly make you feel young again
  16. still no wiser about this, ive had a good feel round the back of the light and along the seal that runs down the edge of the boot, all seems seems fine, boot mat is dry too and I cant find any damp areas so no idea how the water has got in, I have noticed when I open the boot after we've had rain there is water trapped between the seal and the edge of the boot which usually runs down the outside of the rear quarter, I'm wondering if the water that gets trapped there has got past the seal and ran down the inside, I'll have to monitor it and do some more exploring next time it rains, any sugestions would be much apreciated as I'm stumped for now
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