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Everything posted by tatooandy67

  1. Sweet, look forward to hearing your review on which mod you decide to get I've only been vaping about a month but safe to say I'm completely obsessed
  2. Very nice, a friend of mine who's a VW nut wants this kit, I think I may add it to my want list too
  3. Happy new year Will, good luck with your search, you'll know when you find the 'one'
  4. Sweet, I was going to post that chart, I found it when looking for an ohms law calculator, a friend of mine suggested tweeking things until it tasted 'right' and I believe this method will work for most people but if you're anything like me then its just not enough to 'suck and see' as I have to know 'why' and 'how' something does what it does, for me the volume of information that is so freely available is amazing and I think this thirst for information has in some way helped me to overcome my urges to revert back to tobacco, I think the inner geek in me is more addicted to facts and figures than I am to tobacco if that makes sense I risk sounding a bit nerdy here but my love for maths and most things number related has been a great help towards quitting cigs as toying with calculations re ohms/watts/volts has kept me both occupied and happy during the initial transition ps apologies for the long winded reply, love vaping nearly as much as driving
  5. +1 for the I taste MVP2.0 Santa put one of these in my goody bag and I have to say it's my absolute favourite When I get payed next I'm hoping to get an aspire nautilus which like the pro tank II is fully rebuildable so easy to clean/maintain and has a 5ml tank for less refills
  6. Not sure if this has been asked before as I can't find it so........ what is the daily quota for giving 'likes' on threads as I seem to have reached my limit ? I have given out a few today but didn't know I had reached the limit til I tried to like a post and got "computer says no"
  7. Thanks GM (can't send you a like as I've reached my daily quota ) I'm very happy with my progress and do indeed feel so much better .....not saved any £££s yet though as my attraction to all things shiny has meant I've now got a growing collection of vaporisers and accesories, no one warned me they could be modified and upgraded
  8. if/when stopped by police surely it's best practice to just be polite and civil because at the end of the day if you p*$$ them off they'll just keep you there longer, waste their time then expect them to waste yours
  9. ^^^ ink addiction + zeditis + lego addiction = empty bank for me
  10. nice to think they may increase in value , maybe hand them down to my kids (now grown up) or my grandkids one day, absolutely agree you can't put a price on fun times/hours spent building, you can't beat the feelings of satisfaction after making (insert name of your favourite model here)
  11. thanks Tigerzed I too now can't stand the smell of cigs which seems a little weird as I was a heavy smoker for many years but it's things like that which will encourage me to not revert back to smoking, tattoos though now that's an addiction that's well worth the money and as an avid collector for many many years I fear there is no cure once bitten by the ink addiction
  12. The digger is one of my favourites too as it has lots of moving functions so lots of gearing which for me is the best bit, I think it's great to build working gears/gearboxes with the little cogs and pins etc, it's motorised too wich is a nice touch, the pieces in the 8043 kit also build a bulldozer which is quite good but not as complex as the digger but still fun for a technics fan
  13. Just a little update as a lot of smokers are probably thinking about quitting for new year, I've given myself a little pat on the back just now as I haven't smoked an analogue cigarette for almost 4 weeks and just wanted to say I feel so much better for it, I know I'm still feeding my nicotine addiction but by using a vaporiser at least I'm not taking in all the nasties that go with combusted tobacco and I no longer smell like an ash tray Phase 2 will begin shortly as I intend to start reducing the nicotine levels in my ejuices with the eventual goal of being nicotine free but for now I'm enjoying vaping and my only regret is I didn't try it sooner, so to all the would be quitters out there dont give up on giving up, if cold turkey is too much then vaping could be a good tool for getting off the stink sticks, it's working for me anyway
  14. Here's my lego technic collection, the boxes are a bit dusty but the sets are all complete. I also have lots of extra pieces which I've collected from online vendors, enthusiasts etc so that I could make other models as you can download instruction manuals from either lego or lego enthusiast forums Now they're out what to make first....
  15. Reading this thread has made me remember the hours of fun I had with my Lego technic sets, think I'll dig them out tomorrow Pics to follow .........
  16. Just put it on the right side of the car and it will fit. Not at that price
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