Sweet, I was going to post that chart, I found it when looking for an ohms law calculator, a friend of mine suggested tweeking things until it tasted 'right' and I believe this method will work for most people but if you're anything like me then its just not enough to 'suck and see' as I have to know 'why' and 'how' something does what it does, for me the volume of information that is so freely available is amazing and I think this thirst for information has in some way helped me to overcome my urges to revert back to tobacco, I think the inner geek in me is more addicted to facts and figures than I am to tobacco if that makes sense
I risk sounding a bit nerdy here but my love for maths and most things number related has been a great help towards quitting cigs as toying with calculations re ohms/watts/volts has kept me both occupied and happy during the initial transition
ps apologies for the long winded reply, love vaping nearly as much as driving