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Everything posted by tatooandy67

  1. After trying various flavours and coil set ups with my dripper I've come to the conclusion that it's not for me, I've tried both dual and single coil set ups ranging from 1ohm down to 0.4ohm in both vertical and horizontal configurations at a varied range of power and to be frank I enjoy my sub tank and Atlantis much more, I have to admit I was very impressed with the clouds it produces (massive) and the flavour is on par with with both the Atlantis and the sub tank but what a pita having to resoak the wick after only a few tokes, I've tried both thick and thin ejuices and after experiencing one too many dry hits I'm going back to my tanks, I really enjoy sub ohming, love the clouds and the flavour and will continue with ever growing enthusiasm as usual but the dripper is being retired, think I may look into rebuildable tanks - RTA's, but will most likely continue my vaping journey with my my beloved Atlantis, kanger subtank and nautilus's
  2. Got mine, some great pics in there, hope to enter mine for 2016 (if it ever gets finished ) Massive thanks to all involved
  3. Sounds great, look forward to your opinions when you've had time to try it out, red banana sounds interesting Which colour eleaf Istick did you opt for ?
  4. Got my mrs an Istick 30w, it's a great piece of kit IMO, and you can get it in several different colours which is a nice touch, it's tiny so also very pocket friendly for when your out and about Cool always good to get recommendations. Im just about to head out and check them out.
  5. Got my mrs an Istick 30w, it's a great piece of kit IMO, and you can get it in several different colours which is a nice touch, it's tiny so also very pocket friendly for when your out and about
  6. Getting excited now, hope the postman brings me something other than bills today
  7. The other love of my life (the Mrs, not the zed) has decided to give vaping a try, after trying out various set ups and flavours with my kit she wants to have a go at kicking the ciggies, so after I dropped her at work this morning I picked up this for her and set it up with some of my rhubarb and custard ejuice (her favourite flavour from my collection) so its ready for when she's finished work It's an Istick 30w with a kanger tech genitank, it's very petite and girly in pink but gives a great vape, Hope she likes it
  8. I've not tried the Eleaf istick 30 but all the reviews on internet are positive and there's definately enough power for a nautilus mini, I use both the nautilus and the mini daily at work and have to say they are by far my favourite tanks especially with the bvc - bottom vertical coils I think the flavours come through maybe a touch better on the mini but they're both very reliable tanks so I'm sure you'll enjoy your new set up What flavours are you thinking of trying ? Not 100% sure what flavours they have so will have to wait until i get there. Sweet
  9. Top job, they really suit her
  10. You sound like me, I NEEDED to try a dripper and so far I'm very impressed, I still need to try out different coil set ups and practice my wicking but so far it's all positive imo flavour is great and clouds are massive
  11. I've not tried the Eleaf istick 30 but all the reviews on internet are positive and there's definately enough power for a nautilus mini, I use both the nautilus and the mini daily at work and have to say they are by far my favourite tanks especially with the bvc - bottom vertical coils I think the flavours come through maybe a touch better on the mini but they're both very reliable tanks so I'm sure you'll enjoy your new set up What flavours are you thinking of trying ?
  12. +1 for the dash cam The dude in the van sounds a right tool, seems like you did the right thing and got out of there or else you may have found yourself either arrested, bruised or both Boils my pi$$ when idiots like that think they can do whatever they please, karma catches up so I'm sure he'll get his comeuppance sooner or later
  13. Mines the same, totally brimmed but the last light sometimes doesn't come on straight away, usually lights up after a couple of miles or so
  14. Love this forum, it just keeps giving Plenty of advice, help and inspiration with my zed and now links for my vaping hobby Thanks for the link M13KYF
  15. only £12 delivered Sweet, definitely worth a look at that price
  16. ^^^ looks interesting, I'll have a better look when I've got access to a pc, (on my phone at work just now) Look forward to your opinion when you've tried it
  17. There will be tales of the blizzard of '15 for years to come :lol:
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