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Everything posted by tatooandy67

  1. .....my first batch of ejuice was ready this morning, the Mrs has been vaping it all day with no ill effects must say I'm very pleased with the early results, batch no2 is underway, I've gone for banana 2.0 (same as the first batch but with a little flavour tweek) as her indoors likes this and a 50/50 mix of strawberry milkshake & banana mmmmm fingers x'd
  2. ELeaf Istick 30w and aspire nautilus/nautilus mini is a great set up, both my mrs and I have these, there's a good website www.myepack.co.uk that stock them for a good price, juices are very subjective as everyone likes different tastes but my current favourites are vampire vapes strawberry milkshake, banoffee, pineapple and red lips, these are available at www.vampirevapes.co.uk hope this helps
  3. Took the plunge and decided I'm going to make my own ejuice, so I got a selection of flavour concentrates in my current favourite flavours, some nicotine concentrate, some vg and pg and a few syringes, bottles etc so after a little bit of maths and then a double check with an ejuice calculator I'm ready to go, I'll post my results in due course, wish me luck
  4. ^^^^ side effects I suffered when I quit the ciggies and started vaping were ... ..... within a couple of days my breathing started to improve, wheezing stopped Very little in the way of withdrawal as I think I may have been getting more nicotine from vaping so just the psychological withdrawal (not rolling etc) No longer smell like an ashtray etc, etc I could go on but we all know the potential benefits Biggest symptom for me was and still is empty wallet as I keep buying more and more vaping gear
  5. @steve916 - welcome to the club I was a heavy smoker approx 30 to 40 roll ups daily and I started my vaping on 24mg nic, after a few weeks had to drop it down to 18mg as the 24 was becoming a bit harsh and now I've just lowered mine to 12 so be prepared, the 30mg you have may be a little harsh, if so don't be disheartened just step it down til you find your sweet spot, good luck with your quit Edited for spelling now I'm not on my phone
  6. Really enjoyed last nights episode, for me atleast it was the best one so far in this series
  7. Sweet, glad you got it sorted I've suffered the same fate by not allowing enough time for the wick to saturate, dry hits are the worst
  8. She's a beauty, congratulations on your purchase
  9. Try priming the coil - add a drop or two of your ejuice into the top of the coil, not too much though or you will flood it, then fill your tank as usual put it back together and leave it to stand for a few mins to give the wick chance to get saturated
  10. For your music I'm sure there is a USB port in the cubby by the handbrake I just use a USB stick in there
  11. I enjoyed my dripper but kept forgetting to refill it, I'm easily distracted
  12. Just been reading reviews and watched a couple of YouTube videos Think I'm going to get me one of these on payday, thanks for the heads up Are you using the pre made coils or have you tried the rebuidable deck?
  13. ^^^ yeah I enjoyed fogging up my lounge with the dripper but kept forgetting to resoak, used to put it on the side get chatting, completely oblivious to the need to refill then BOOM nasty, burnt dry hit cough cough splutter much to my mates amusement so back to the tanks for me I'm off to look up delta II now on Google, you've sparked my interest ..... Back soon
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