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Everything posted by ZeppoJeff

  1. Wait did you buy the stillen supercharged one?
  2. Welcome along man. Good to see another zed in Aberdeen. It's been pretty quiet in Aberdeen recently with meets as I've been busy but hopefully get something organised soon. Get a picture of ur zed up so we can spot you out and about
  3. 1) Humpy 2) kbad 3) Zeus(in 350z) 4) AaronC350z 5) wez370 6) Wendy 7) stevod 8) Wasso 9) CJRamze 10) cov350z (350z) 11) 350Russ 12) ollydykins 13)Valy 14) modo 15) shad0wca7 16) Irn Bru +1 350z 17) Andymac183 18) Hodaka +1 19)nissanman312+1 20) Amyzed 21) ZeppoJeff (350z) 22) Ekona +1 23) Dicaprio +1 24) Davedutch + 1 25) SHEZZA + 1 (350Z) 26) -G- +1 (380RS) - Date Dependant 27) Harryjax +1 28) Andy_Muxlow +1 29) Scott_f91 (370Z) 30. Nso93 31. kentar0 32. buster + mrs buster
  4. 1) Humpy 2) kbad 3) Zeus 4) AaronC350z 5) wez370  6) Wendy 7) stevod 8) Wasso 9) CJRamze 10) cov350z 11) 350Russ 12) ollydykins 13)Valy  14) modo 15) shad0wca7 16) Irn Bru +1 17) Andymac183 18) Hodaka +1 19)nissanman312+1 20) Amyzed 21) ZeppoJeff
  5. I would imagine the reclining seats would sit higher. Only mine are side mounted while the reclining seats are normally bottom mounted
  6. Everyone moans about how high people's aftermarket seats sit but I never had this issue. I'm running bride zeta (not the low max brides you get) with the bride rails and at the lowest settings and I'm lower than I was standard
  7. They aren't that sensitive. I recently took my seats out with disconnecting the battery and I had no issues at all. Did the same when removing my steering wheel and all okay. Just let it settle for a bit with the car off before u do any work.
  8. If u order the correct centres you won't need spacers. You get a deeper centre for the clearance of brembos and other big callipers
  9. Won't need spacers if he gets the correct offsets.
  10. Nothing appearing for me on tapatalk
  11. I've no idea buddy...thinks the mesh is just a generic thing you can just buy. The drl are a separate purchase.
  12. Can get a genuine rocket bunny kit to the uk for £2650...obviously it's twice what you paid but it's not as severe at £3.5k
  13. All went well today when picking up the zed and Revolution were in the process of taking some pics of me and my mates car when I turned up.
  14. Today's a good day...finally picking my car up from the body shop after getting tidied up and I'll finally get these fitted 😉
  15. Welcome along buddy. Think there is one or two zed owners up ur way on the forum
  16. I do like my tattoos and ever growing my collection but haven't been tattooed in over a year now which is weird for me. Here's some of my favourites though I've heaps others but no pictures just now. A whole dedicated arm to super Mario and the other arm full of new skool colourful designs.
  17. Ah right ok. I have been looking and only found Blackcatcustoms ones so just wondered if there were some UK suppliers kicking about as the customs charge will probably end up more than the bits haha. Cheers for the info mate Yeah blackcatcustoms seemed the only place when I was looking. They are a real nice bunch though and if you email them direct I'm sure the would be able to send the units as a gift as to keep import charges down or even nil
  18. I meant to say pads but couldnt think of the word so just put legs haha. Any details of where you got those dials from mate, was it from the US or within the UK? Also were the LED's included in the kit aswell? I do like the look of those. Saying that I love the look of your Zed mate very unique and looking amazing! Cheers mate. I picked them up from the states when I was on holiday but they deliver to the uk. The LEDs and faces were separate but not to expensive. Check out blackcatcustoms
  19. They are smd LEDs so it's not legs as such more pads which can be a pita. I've actually got the kit ready to go in but not gotten round to it yet.
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