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Everything posted by ZeppoJeff

  1. You able to send me the link for them. I bought some a while ago and they were just to long.
  2. Torqen had one for sale that I got but I assume he would be able to get you one if you wanted. Just have to ask him as he can get pretty much anything you want. I can imagine he will along any moment now...just have to give him a shout ADRIAN!!!!!!
  3. My issue is I'm from north east Scotland so gets pretty cold and salty up here. Don't want the salt to eat away at the freshly painted bodywork and more than anything else I don't trust other people on the road. Think mine will be going away for hibernation. As soon as I see the first gritter on the road.
  4. I just bought a new rare jdm for £110...looks amazing but still to fit Torqen has in development but was issue with the first batch that Adrian wasn't happy with I think so been pushed back I believe.
  5. So with winter coming and it's meant to be a super bad one what is everyone doing with them zed? Who's going to be running it all year round and who's hiding away in the garage? For the people locking them up when is it you will be saying ur final goodbye for 2015?
  6. Awesome...should have them swapped over by the end of the moth.
  7. No worries at all as it ain't your fault. Means I may have paid a bit more than one from epr for instance...live and learn though haha
  8. Did you have to pay any import tax when it arrived? Any fitting issues? Fitment is spot on for my DE and the sender wrote it was worth nothing on the box, so no duty Seems I've not been as lucky as you. Just got letter through post asking to pay £17.93 import charge...bleh
  9. Sadly not haha On shift as per usual...making the pennies so you can take them from me Well, hurry up then, I've already order your SC from Vortech!!! I'm hurrying I'm hurrying
  10. Sadly not haha On shift as per usual...making the pennies so you can take them from me
  11. Yeah well I'm swapping over to my new lights when I'm home in a couple of weeks so mine will be up for grabs. Not to sure on what price they go for really yet but I'm sure we can work that out. Here's a picture of mine. No cracks to lenses, mounts or anything.
  12. Might even have a set of pre facelift lights up for sale soon if you fancy it
  13. Yeah...speak to davectr also as I believe he had the demon eye mod done along with them getting painted by those guys.
  14. Oh!! ive not heard of this!! Whats the company? These are the guys http://www.headlightretrofits.org.uk Have a look at there Facebook also as they have lots of examples of work they have done.
  15. The plenum spacer kit is supplied with spacers and longer bolts to raise the height of your strut to accommodate for the height increase of spacer. Also if the page says £159 it will be £159...never any hidden costs with Adrian
  16. Not seen her for a couple weeks now but this is what she was looking like last time I saw her
  17. Should have tried tyreleader...was the cheapest for me and I got my MPSS for £530
  18. Hmm all depends really. I'm getting one fitted from a guy who work in a garage on his lunch for £30 but I've heard of places charging as much as £25 a corner +vat :/ Good luck with getting everything fitted.
  19. I know the feeling...bank account took quite a hit also but tyreleader is pretty cheap for MPSS. Think I picked mine up for £530
  20. Big thanks to Adrian for 2 pleasant deliverys the past few weeks. As always the communications with him is top notch and delivery is speedy speedy. Now just to get home and have all these new small parts installed and start saving for the big ones
  21. That is just a piece of threaded rod and should screw from the base and let u screw new aerial on
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