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Everything posted by ZeppoJeff

  1. Nothing, the car slipped off the tarmac into a small ditch, probably causing some floor damage and maybe a few scratches. Good on u for being so honest but I think ur asking well over the odds for it. You just admitted there is floor damage so that's not gonna invite people in to buy it when they can buy a mint unmodded for the same price. Also mods don't really add value to a car I don't feel unless something like a supercharger is installed buddy. GLWTS but you might need to knock that price down slightly.
  2. Check ebay for the cf cooling panel. Plenty to choose from +1 I got this one, great bit of kit: http://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/311003387991 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I got this one also but just watch as I had to pay import tax...seems some people have gotten away with paying it though.
  3. Congratulations on your new purchase and welcome to the forum
  4. Where and when is this? Sounds good. 7th November hopefully but location still to me decided. Keep ur eyes on the forum for post soon. Look forward to it. I've got a bog standard Roadster (import). Would be good to get some ideas and feedback. Hopefully it'll be on the West Coast. Doesn't matter what kind of zed you got as long as you like it and it's the way you want it Thinking the meet will be somewhere inbetween Edinburgh/Glasgow/Aberdeen...possibly Perth but keep ur eyes peeled
  5. Check ebay for the cf cooling panel. Plenty to choose from
  6. Where and when is this? Sounds good. 7th November hopefully but location still to me decided. Keep ur eyes on the forum for post soon.
  7. Welcome to the forum. Get some pictures of you zed up so we can admire
  8. Id suggest a a deepsocket...that's what I used as I found the normal one would come up short
  9. But..but...but...but .....you'll just about get your new wheels on and..................... you'll spot a gritter going past!! Shame you wont get to enjoy the new wheels this year then Mind you, first hint of salt and I'll be putting the old rays back on.....we'll see how it goes. She'll be used throughout the winter as usual. We survived -20'C one winter, living in caravans on a field for 8yrs, so anything else is a doddle!! Haha don't fancy the salt from the gritters eating away at my polished wheels. I don't think any amount of wax would stop it eating through. I'll get to enjoy the new wheels for a bit...home next week so plenty time As I said though before my issue is other drivers not nothing how to drive. Had far to many close encounters in the past with ppl sliding through red lights or being tail happy spinning there rear end out. I could rent my services to the local council though and use my front end as a snowplough though...haha
  10. Haha...we shall see. If and that's if I must say decide to get rid of the samco hoses i can give to you at the 'Massive November Scottish Meet!!!!'
  11. No problem at all...glad to be of some help
  12. Okay well I got mine from demonplates. Can't remember what size it was exactly but if u measure the gap on urs you can just choose from a drop down menu what one suits best really. I assume ur lettering should be the same as there is a set standard to the thickness and height on lettering for it to be legal.
  13. This is a standard uk plate size And this is a standard jdm (Japanese domestic market...or jap import) plate size That any help to you?
  14. Well there is a standard size for uk plates and jdm plates but I don't know what you have. What do you mean by bigger if you want a standard size?
  15. So trying to work out what's to be done to the car when I get home and it seems it's quite a list ive got on my hands once u put it down on paper :/ Car to do list- Fix indicator (passenger) Fix wing mirror (passenger) Fix plate bulbs holes Fix fog light Fix rear light (drivers) Fit push rivets Fit new lights Fit spacers Fit new wheels/nuts (seal wheels!!!) Fit coilovers Fit camber arms Fit toe bolts Fit harness cover Fit slam panel Fit new engine bolts Fit throttle body Fit side plate holder with import plate Fit samco hoses Fit racing thermostat Get hunter 4 wheel alignment Give car a full detail and wax Sell OEM camber arms Sell Ray's (possibly) Sell OEM suspension Sell pre rear lights Sell pre headlights Sell OEM spoiler SAVE FOR SUPERCHARGER!!!!! To say I'm going to be busy is an understatement I think. May also have to find myself a second job haha
  16. What size? I recommend using demon plates
  17. It's an easy decision. Look how pretty it looks with lots of other polished bits...it's even the same kind of engine bay as you
  18. Thank buddy...hoping to get them fitted in the next couple of week along with some other goodies.
  19. I thought they were for both radiator and intake. Blocks off the big hole where bonnet catch is allowing more air cool to flow through radiator and intake...no?
  20. Welcome along buddy. Got any pictures of the zed to show us?
  21. Could always get a cooling panel which directs all the cold air in to the intake
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