But..but...but...but .....you'll just about get your new wheels on and..................... you'll spot a gritter going past!!
Shame you wont get to enjoy the new wheels this year then
Mind you, first hint of salt and I'll be putting the old rays back on.....we'll see how it goes.
She'll be used throughout the winter as usual.
We survived -20'C one winter, living in caravans on a field for 8yrs, so anything else is a doddle!!
Haha don't fancy the salt from the gritters eating away at my polished wheels. I don't think any amount of wax would stop it eating through.
I'll get to enjoy the new wheels for a bit...home next week so plenty time
As I said though before my issue is other drivers not nothing how to drive. Had far to many close encounters in the past with ppl sliding through red lights or being tail happy spinning there rear end out.
I could rent my services to the local council though and use my front end as a snowplough though...haha