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Everything posted by ZeppoJeff

  1. It's your car so it's ur choice in the end but yeah I'd say you need some spacers there
  2. special tops tell me more lol Have a look here http://www.kwsuspensions.co.uk/kw/info/kw_hls/
  3. Tom runs them on his 370 and he paid extra for the special tops. Push a button and raises the car up to get over the speed bumps. Looks awesome
  4. Ain't it just...might be a bit to much hassle to take off and polish though haha
  5. Slowly getting the engine bay looking nice with some polished goodness and titanium bolt kit and carbon slam panel
  6. You got a picture of ur zed yet? Coming along to the meet next Saturday in Perth?
  7. I've a refurbed set of Ray's for sale.
  8. Just spoke to oldbonesmcgee who has the 2015 nismo front end and he needed a new plate holder when he changed bumpers. He got his front America also so he could get the smaller plate holder.
  9. I'll have a look into that, cheers! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk There will be a convoy there from Aberdeen
  10. Welcome along buddy from a fellow Aberdeen zedder. I'd suggest before a remap just to have decats/high flow cats, cat back exhaust, plenum spacer and flyboy airbox mod for better flow. Got any pictures of the zed?
  11. Need some advice. I've got a sticky fuel cap and it not popping open. So when I go to fill up fuel I've to wedge a card in my fuel cap then push the button for it to open. Anyone got any ideas how to fix this?
  12. For sale are my OEM 2005 headlights Perfect for someone wanting to freshen up there front end or modifying £400 + delivery
  13. For sale are my newly refurbished Ray's in anthracite £500 collection or arrange on delivery
  14. Welcome from a fellow Aberdeen zedder Any pictures of urs?
  15. Haha yeah I got the set dirt cheap as my mate works there. Yeah that's the plan with the old set...forum or ebay. You interested in them?
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