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Everything posted by ZeppoJeff

  1. For anyone that hasn't already can you please click on the link and like the photo please
  2. It's the same person that makes both wheels but one is made with a different technique. If you message oldbonesmcgee he will be able to help you out as he did the website for both and knows a lot about them.
  3. Obviously has to be work vsxx ðŸ˜
  4. https://vimeo.com/147483904 Invidia Gemini with 60mm test pipes
  5. Could I ask everyone please to help me out with a competition. All you have to do is goto this link and like a picture of my car. https://www.facebook.com/UKCARSCENE/photos/a.771680989610345.1073741867.248077245304058/771958629582581/?type=3 Sorry if I'm asking to much of you guys but thought I would ask anyways.
  6. No I haven't...haven't seen any threads on it Just had a quick search and can't seem to find any threads for the 2016 calender. So still time I'll have a word with Martin about it. Thanks for the idea
  7. No I haven't...haven't seen any threads on it
  8. Headlights were bought from someone on here.
  9. Cheers everyone. I'm super happy how the pictures came out and even happier with the car. It's all just a shame that it's to be locked up for a couple months as weather is starting to get bad our way and gritters on the road 😒 All the paint work was done by revolution paintwork in Alloa. Had the car for some time but the work that came out was amazing.
  10. Me and oldbonesmcgee went for a little drive about and got some pictures taken before the car goes away for winter.
  11. I'd say invidia Gemini it's what I have and it not to loud but heaps of grumble when you want it
  12. A picture from the photoshoot me and oldbonesmcgee had last night More to follow soon
  13. Could be an early 06 as my last one was an 06 and a none rev up and lower tax
  14. Go for it...think I'd rather sell the whole suspension as one
  15. ZeppoJeff

    Zed wanted

    Speak to jumzo...he has zed for sale £5500 40k miles
  16. Keen! Obviously it will cost you but throw a price at me and I'll see what I think of it
  17. I've got my front suspension if you want
  18. Looked really genuine also. When I look closer now though I see little bits and bobs here and there
  19. Turns out the brides I was going to be going to see were actually fakes even though he said they were genuine. Also found out he bought them for £250 a seats trying to sell for £850. Lucky my mate had known people that knew about them before hands. Meh the search continues
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