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Everything posted by ZeppoJeff

  1. Bit off topic mate but wondered if you know anything about city City cars in Aberdeen. Yeah I've dealt with them. Ages ago I was going to look at a 370z. Very professional family ran business with lots of exotic cars. It's appointment only so when ur there to see the car it's all about you. Thanks for that,they have what looks like a nice 370 in at the moment low miles but slightly over my budget. I did see the White 370z on there site. Looks pretty clean to me. The gtr also looks lush
  2. Bit off topic mate but wondered if you know anything about city City cars in Aberdeen. Yeah I've dealt with them. Ages ago I was going to look at a 370z. Very professional family ran business with lots of exotic cars. It's appointment only so when ur there to see the car it's all about you.
  3. ZeppoJeff

    Plenum Spacer

    Is it a full bolt-on kit with every necessary parts to install it ? Does it's quality better than Motordyne's spacer or which one should I choose? I had a wasso spacer in my first zed and then when I got my second one I got a motordyne. Must of had my motordyne in for a a month or so before swapping out for a wasso spacer. Reason for this is the motordyne spacer is manufactured in 2 parts then stuck together which just wasn't for me. While the wasso ones are machines from one piece resulting in less possibility of leaking. All hardware comes with it and in a nice colour also Thank You! I will take this wasso one! Good choice
  4. ZeppoJeff

    Plenum Spacer

    Is it a full bolt-on kit with every necessary parts to install it ? Does it's quality better than Motordyne's spacer or which one should I choose? I had a wasso spacer in my first zed and then when I got my second one I got a motordyne. Must of had my motordyne in for a a month or so before swapping out for a wasso spacer. Reason for this is the motordyne spacer is manufactured in 2 parts then stuck together which just wasn't for me. While the wasso ones are machines from one piece resulting in less possibility of leaking. All hardware comes with it and in a nice colour also
  5. ZeppoJeff

    Plenum Spacer

    Custom Anodised Plenum Spacers £170 (Last 3 remain no more ever again!) http://www.350z-uk.com/index.php?/topic/71728-Custom-Anodised-Plenum-Spacers-%C2%A3170-%28Last-3-remain-no-more-ever-again%21%29
  6. Personally I'd avoid the motordyne one as the it's built isn't for me. Try wasso on the forum he made ones at a much higher standard.
  7. Contact wasso as he had some I got from him when I miss placed some. In fact I might still have some somewhere. How many you needing?
  8. Found this for you Stereo facia and adapter kit for bose system http://www.350z-uk.com/index.php?/topic/106452-Stereo-facia-and-adapter-kit-for-bose-system
  9. I see zeds all the time in Aberdeen. Some from the forum and some not. Was at Crail at the weekend though and there was only me and irn bru there. So they must be kind of uncommon just not in Aberdeen.
  10. Really? Oldbonesmcgee got his 2015 front end for a whole lot less than that. If I remember right the led sidelights were the expensive part
  11. Actually just had a look and there is probs no point in me taking it out as it all attached to the same loom anyways
  12. I'm gonna be taking out the steering controls of mine if that's help to you
  13. ZeppoJeff

    350z diff

    Stylez had one I think I remember seeing on Facebook
  14. I was going to say clicky axle but don't seem that way. Could always try greasing it up none the less and making sure it properly tightened onto the spline
  15. That picture was just a couples hours after we had got him so was still a bit sadly and lonely after leaving his mum and dad. By the end of the night he was fine. This morning though has been nothing but crying from him
  16. Here's my newest addition to household. Every meet 10 week old Stitch
  17. Think it's one of the forum member that's selling them
  18. It's neither it's acoustic carpet Haha I meant wrapped in fabric. Looks really good
  19. Going by the model number stated its the radiator for HR
  20. Pfft got something against dished wheels
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