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Everything posted by ZeppoJeff

  1. All depends really. I mean mine is at 46k miles and if i gun it and pop out the clutch it can slip quite a bit so I'm planning on changing mine soon. Some other people are still on there clutch from factory and sitting at almost 100k miles.
  2. So I'm going across to the states in a months time and while thinking about what do etc when I'm there the penny dropped that car parts are cheaper over there. I've already spoken to somewhere about some stuff I'm needing when I start my supercharger build but where is good for zed parts in the states? Plan is just to order while I'm over there and get shipped to the hotel then fly home. Already looked into the amount you can bring back and it supposedly up to the value of £390.
  3. That's not a bad price but it's pretty hard to come by all of that
  4. Yeah i always wonder where my first zed went to. All i know is my ex traded it into arnold clark for a ford ka Just searched though and its not got tax but still an mot so lets hope its just been taken off the road for winter.
  5. Welcome along...good luck finding the zed you are after. If you have a look around the forum I'm sure you will find what you are after regarding the sound system. If its a UK zed and not an import then the majority of them have all that anyways.
  6. When u get the car up revved the tune will change ur throttle settings anyways. After i got mine mapped it felt so much better. 0-50% throttle is normal and easy for town driving etc 50-100% throttle opens up and give the car the full power you want rather being tapered and gradual like before.
  7. Haha tell me about it. It never ends...once you finish one thing it just makes you think about the next
  8. You'll have to come down to Aberdeen for a meet once you are all done
  9. Contact Ewen at Clark Motorsport and he will sort you out.
  10. On the rev up DE replacement bottom half of the plenum is meant to be a good shout. That or modifying ur current one urself with a dremel.
  11. Yeah why not...id be keen on some Michelin ones
  12. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/11639-www350z-ukcom-car-stickers/ pm MY13KYF for availability - but they are free after 350 posts on here Pfft I never got a free one
  13. The harness you have purchased will only have one plug on it as the there should be a a bunch of phonos that plug instead. Basically the spare plug u have at the Sony end is for the speakers but with the Bose system you are use the sub outputs phono out puts instead. Now the problem you have with doing it this way is that the sound will be pretty low so the the way around this is to chop the end off ur phono plugs and solder them to a connector which will plug into the spare Sony plug. If u search on the forum there is a guide on how to do it
  14. Haha when I saw it I thought "argh someone has stole my zed while I'm offshore"
  15. Speak to Chris at Tarmac sportz. He sorted me out with some when I needed and got them next day.
  16. Sadly I'm having to pull out due to be away wth work 1. 370Ad - Stand Pass - Track Time - PAID 2. MrsNiki - Stand Pass only - PAID 3. Rickdon - Stand Pass - PAID 4. Stuggerz - Stand Pass only PAID 5. Valy - Stand Pass - PAID 6. glrnet -Stand Pass - PAID 7. octet - Stand Pass - PAID 8. Chippychip123- Stand Pass PAID 9. Ozzy225 - Stand Pass + Track time - PAID 10. Shezza - Stand Pass - PAID 11. Roobies8 - Stand Pass only PAID 12. AdamTSmith350 - Stand Pass only 13. Garygranite - Stand Pass 14. Chizzz - Stand Pass - PAID 15. Tea and Wax - Stand pass 16. SherlockH -Stand Pass & Track Time 17. Paul K - Stand Pass - PAID 18. Dean_m Stand Pass PAID 19. SYY - stand pass and track time PAID 20. Wendy - Stand Pass- PAID 21. WINKJ - Stand Pass PAID 22. Lloydshaw - Stand Pass PAID 23. Condor109 - Stand Pass 24. harryjackson - Stand Pass & (maybe) Track Time - PAID 25. Darkside - Stand pass - PAID 26. crute/higgins350z - stand - PAID 27. GreenLandy - stand + track - PAID 28. choptop - Stand Pass 29. Rich260- stand pass - PAID 30. Shire350z - stand pass 31. Justthejedi - stand pass PAID 32. AmyZed - stand pass 33. Kraziekatz1 - stand pass PAID 34. Jakeswheelbarrow - stand pass PAID 35. Bobby D - stand pass - PAID 36. a.roden - Stand Pass - PAID 37. zzzeady -stand pass 38. davey83 - Stand Pass & Track Time PAID 39. Mikey Thompson - Stand Pass PAID 40. Aaronc350z - Stand Pass PAID 41. Durk - Stand Pass PAID 42. jhobbs90- Stand Pass PAID 43. mattbrettell- Stand Pass PAID 44. Ryanbatch - stand pass - PAID 45. Smc1992 (Scott) - Stand pass - PAID 46. Jam87ie - stand pass- PAID 47. Longsh07 - Stand pass - PAID 48. Newkid - Stand pass -PAID 49. SUPRAWOOKIE - Stand Pass PAID 50. Rs2oo - Stand Pass PAID 51. Nismoandy - Stand Pass - PAID 52. Debsterh - stand pass paid 53. GizmoGold - Stand Pass - PAID 54. Edd20022 - Stand Pass - PAID 55. SYY (R33 GTR)- Stand Pass PAID 56. scottdky - Stand Pass - PAID 57. Spatt - Stand Pass - PAID 58. Mr P - Stand Pass - PAID 59. BOINC UK - Stand Pass - Paid 60. Low IQ - Stand Pass - PAID 61. Curtis - Stand Pass - PAID 62. Macky - Stand Pass - PAID 63. James Junior - Stand Pass - PAID 64. Ken - Stand Pass - PAID 65. Jalada - Stand Pass - PAID 66. Paddy78 - Stand Pass - PAID 67. jabusby - Stand Pass - PAID 68. Pradz_Zed - Stand Pass - PAID 69. Will370z - Stand Pass - PAID 70.
  17. Beautiful car in person. GLWTS and who ever buys it is going to lucky
  18. speak to - g - he has a satin black wrapped one for sale
  19. Normally on the plaque at the back of the engine bay
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