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Everything posted by ZeppoJeff

  1. Yeah it's tons cheaper than smoking and once u properly get into it you'll never want a real cigarette again. I've got my old subox mini kit I'm not using if u wanted to buy it and try it. I do you very very good Mr Scottish man 👲
  2. Have you got any measurements? Planning on starting mixing my own cause I'm going through heaps with the tfv4 tank. Thought would be cheaper to start mixing my own. Where is good to get supplies from also?
  3. So I'm thinking about starting to mix my own juices and wondered what people have found when doing so? Anyone got any amazing recipes? Good mixing tips etc? Thought this thread could be used for putting down all your ultimate recipes
  4. ZeppoJeff


    Everyone will tell you to use vpower or any other premium unleaded because that what the zed is tuned for and your going to get the best out of you. But on the other hand my friend has had a zed for 2 years and only ever put basic unleaded in it and never had any issues what so ever.
  5. See I would get the kangertech but after me and the girlfriend both having the kbox mini and the fact it just kept leaking all the time I really don't want to give them my money again.
  6. Right guys need some help. I'm currently running the smok tfv4 with the X cube II but I'm wanting something else. I'm in love with the tfv4 with the dual Clapton coil but the mod is just to big and bulky. I'm only ever vaping at 60w really so nothing massive as I'm not a massive cloud chaser just love the flavour. So what mods do people suggest as an alternative?
  7. Surprised no one has nabbed those rear lights
  8. They look very similar to the cosmis s1 so id say yeah you are going to need a spacer to clear the brembos.
  9. Gumtree used to be free but since ebay took it over its all changed. When I was selling my old car I would advertise it again every so often to bump to the top and you only get so many free adverts
  10. I'll just leave this here from the flyboy mod thread
  11. Only person echoing in here seems to be you buddy. As I stated before I was under the impression that when power is applied to the car (by turning the key unless you've got some fancy key that starts turns the ignition when you unlock it)
  12. I've not got the mod but I was always under the impression the mirrors folded in/out when power was applied to the car
  13. Have you never heard of the flyboy mod?
  14. Or have a look here https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/251526901782
  15. Hmm I've got someone getting together a kit for me just now so I can enquire about a red kit for you if you want.
  16. It's an honour to own 1 of 2 purple wasso plenum spacers. Thanks for all ur help with these over the years
  17. Aww man if funds allowed it id be all over that supercharger
  18. Looking for a silicone intake pipe to get rid of the OEM hard plastic one that's already installed.
  19. Contact Chris at Tarmac. He does a kit
  20. What kind of power is it running at the moment?
  21. sure is mate I've never seen it in the flesh but seen it enough online. its an absolute work of art its all getting changed again though.....he madder than me Must be a fair amount of money he puts in it every year for show season
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