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Everything posted by Zhorno

  1. Zhorno

    Zed wanted

    Think it works Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Zhorno

    Zed wanted

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/276827859112409/permalink/412510038877523/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Haha I need a garage and to be able to park outside my house ! Lol
  4. Zhorno

    Zed wanted

    There is 1 I keep seeing on fb ! Follow modified cars for sale , there a nice blue 1 he wants 6250 with 44k on clock , he's in the army and wants to sell it. Bargain !
  5. Next task is having a go at wrapping the roof
  6. Horribol lines ? , ye iv done it a couple of times before , but I just can't pay sum1 £80 for a hour work on the back window, wen u can buy a whole roll for £8 and do it your self ... All u need is a heat gun a aa card and YouTube videos lol
  7. Tinted back window today got a Luvly burn on my hand from heat gun 😡 but the window 👌
  8. burnt my hand tinting windows :(

  9. Zhorno

    Throttle body

    I don't know how to find people on here lol
  10. Zhorno

    Throttle body

    Found some on eBay but prefer to buy off sum2 who's breaking on here. 54 plate zed non revup
  11. Mine has just came on ... Iv reset codes hopefully stays away other wise I'll be following this !
  12. Zhorno


    Stupid iPhone spell check
  13. Zhorno


    Limp mode came on and engine management Unplugged it in the my machine ( best thing I ever brought) Got code p2135 which is throttle body controler or somthing any 1 eles had this problem ? , Iv cleared the codes now and I hope it don't come back on but I want to research it just invade it does... Just to find out how much work it involves . Any help would b good
  14. Ye I did see that post a day after I put it on lmao, we will see , the caliper paint I brought for £6 of eBay tiny little tub but it goes so far ! Think I used about 25ml doing all 4 with 2 coats ! , I figured May aswell do it while putting thees crappy wheels on an taking the rays off. ( can't wait to get them back ! Lol)
  15. Oh flushing front badge off aswell and putting plate in grill insted
  16. Updated 28/07/14 First mod I done brake calipers I hate gold lol Figured I may aswell do this while the rays are been sprayed gloss black. Then first proper clean The small aerial on Tax disk holder Small number plate Next mod will be wheels going back on Then skirts are going on with front splitter And front bumper repainting at the same time. 👌
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