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  1. Hi thanks for the response but I am looking to put it back to standard good post though through the link.
  2. I am looking to replace my JWT Pop charger with a standard air box does anyone have one I can buy, if so how much? Am willing to trade or sell pop charger if required once I have the standard air box. My version is the original 276 hp engine. Thanks
  3. I have just got home from work and unlocked my car from inside using the button (may have clicked it a couple of times). I got out of the car and went to lock on my remote but it would not do anything, I thought maybe the battery had gone in the remote so got the spare out but this didn't lock/unlock the same. Both keys will still start and run the engine. I think I may have heard a pop when using the button/switch pack inside the car but I could be mistaken does this have a fuse? If so where? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Michael
  4. Ah thanks Alex but I just ordered it, should have waited.
  5. Thanks that looks similar I will get them to order me one with my Clutch coming on Monday! 5th and 6th Gear Slipping!
  6. Good Afternoon, This is my first post and it requires a bit of help! I am looking for the name and part number of a part Nissan cannot seem to find and supply. If you were to look above the prop shaft from underneath the vehicle where the gear linkage is housed on top of the gearbox a boot was found there by one of my technicians which was hanging down onto the prop shaft which he threw away some time ago (this had caused slight where in the prop shaft casing). It was a thick rubber boot which I would say was a linkage gaiter/boot but no one can seem to find what I mean. I am keen to replace this ASAP as it would seem to protect the linkage. Any help/ideas/part numbers or photos would be much appreciated! Thanks
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