I bought the GoPro suction cup mount for my camera and it's fantastic. Rated to over 150mph on the outside of a vehicle so most definitely shouldn't fall off unless you're pushing those sorts of speeds or more.
Just make sure you don't capture your own crash on camera like some of these guys do once they put cameras in their cars & start trying to prove something.
A camera looking at the front wheels would be cool though as you're driving around especially if you could see the brake discs glow under some heavy use. Always wanted to set a camera up to capture that.
Do it mate.
It's all a bit MI5 secret agent stuff but it could be an amazing day so I thought can't hurt to enter ~ only live once & may only have one Zed in my life time so thought may as well.
Both are in the wrong (because of the way they drove & behaved) but so were all the other drivers who weren't using all the available lanes before coming up to the merging lanes.
I have to admit I love my GoPro but then those cameras you've got are 1080p HD by the look's of them so I'm sure they'll do the same job.
Let us know how you get on with them.
Nope , don't know what the f**k you're on about.
Just kidding (sort of ) but it is getting very nerdy in here.
Better fuel rails like the Cosworth ones will always be beneficial over the stock ones. It's definitely a consideration of mine.
I think it's probably best if Matt keeps his clothes on don't you?
ha ha ha! I thought you were on your hols!
I am so I'm spending it here.
Got plenty to do this week ~ just got back from watching "Fast & Furious 7" this afternoon with the Mrs so that was better than working for starters.