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Everything posted by GMballistic

  1. Who the hecks Cait? I've met "Codsworth", "Nic Valentine", "Paladin Vance", "Preston Garvey", "Dogmeat" oh and "Piper" (who obviously wants to bang me) but as of yet no "Cait"? Been racking up the hours on this game so much lately but I guess I'm only just scratching the surface of this game then. What levels are you guys at then? (I'll check mine later)
  2. I'm pretty good at the lock picking although the "master" locks I still can't do, ....pees me off sometimes though as you've a massive arsenal of weapons/explosives yet you can't get into a rusty tool box or cloth suitcase.
  3. Ahh bummer as it does look like it might be a no go, ...still something to think about. An exhaust fabricator like "Longlife" for example could probably get rid of the mid boxes cheap enough for you and help you do the valve/screamer pipe in the future should you still want more noise after ditching the mid boxes.
  4. I've got another option for you if you're interested? It's a QTP performance valve (from Driftworks) with a screamer pipe added. BBK did it to his Zed. Post n#123 onwards: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/56939-the-bounty-bar-kids-2008-hr-350z-updated-140514/page__st__120 Might give you the extra noise you're after at the flick of a switch, plus it has the benefit of being quite most of the time. BBK I'm sure could tell you more about costs etc if you send him a PM.
  5. I did add a few to my top row but I've also put a couple of stars towards: science, gun nut, gunslinger, medic, hacker & a few others. Probably should have concentrated more on an individual perk though as I seem to have a fair few perks with just the 1 star so not exactly getting much of a benefit from most.
  6. Sounds good to me. Stainless or blue tipped though? My choice would be stainless steel.
  7. How did I miss the "Duke of Dorks" reference. Love Red Dwarf. Reference Fallout 4 though, ...how can you mess up the perks tree? Really? Hope so. This is the first Fallout game I've played and must say I'm really impressed.
  8. What about dressing up as different nationality fighter plane pilots? You could then do the two BMW's in German fighter plane style, Lambo in Italian fighter plane style, Subaru obviously as the Japanese and then the Lotus as the good ol' British example. Could decal up the cars in a similar fashion to the below example then (bar all the rivets as that might be a bit OTT). Edit: Can't really see that as being offensive to the French, ...I mean they do have a sense of humour at least, unlike the Germans. (Joke)
  9. I used to have a carbon fibre gear knob in my old Impreza and it was probably my favourite one that I've owned. Similar to this one: http://www.carbongoodies.co.uk/Varis-Universal-Carbon-Fibre-Gearknob
  10. Just a "phishing" attempt from what you've said, ...just add it to your spam folder & then delete it. Fyi ~ If you get any from scammers pretending to be "PayPal" then you can forward them on to: spoof@paypal.com This will get PayPal's fraud department to look at it to see if there is anything they can do to catch the scammers. A lot of major companies/banks should have similar email addresses that you can report these fake emails to (I know Lloyds Bank, Barclays etc do anyway).
  11. Absolutely, however, little chance of hydro locking due to the configuration of the intakes and the rear positioning of the motor. However i would have to grow a pair before I would attempt that manoeuvre with a super car. I wouldn't attempt that in any car I own, ...not even my sh*t box first car, a 1988 Nissan Micra Mk1. Got to be an absolute moron driving that Lambo.
  12. That's good to hear Ian, ...well done Bob.
  13. Ohh yeah that is lovely. Not sure if it's £35K lovely but still very nice. GM........ that escort is .......as my 23yo Focus RS driving son would say "I'd gie ma left nut to own that". Lol Well a recent article I read said this guy got $35000 just for one nut which in GBP is only £24000 odd so he's still short on the money for that Escort. I just hope your son hasn't seen the ad then as he'll need to sell both nuts to afford that, ...unless he p/x's the Focus RS & one testicle for it of course.
  14. GMballistic


    My recommendation is what I used to run on my FI Zed: EBC "Turbo groove" discs with Ferodo DS2500 pads (also Goodridge s/s brake lines & Motul RBF600 brake fluid). Not megga pricey so won't break the bank. Link: http://www.h-dev.co.uk/product_info.php?cPath=78_169_293_463_465_1414&products_id=20370 The discs looked like this below on my Zed (just in case you're worried what they look like)... ...although more importantly they did a darn good job of stopping my car.
  15. Ohh yeah that is lovely. Not sure if it's £35K lovely but still very nice.
  16. Flippin' heck, it's so big it has even got its own child creche!. Very nice.
  17. ^^ Nice. Almost flew under the radar. Happy Birthday Mudman.
  18. Ahh ok. Try sending a PM to zmanalex to see if he has any in stock would be my next port of call. Link: http://www.350z-uk.com/user/9648-zmanalex/
  19. Same as Vlad Chris ~ I have the passenger side washer bottle which is the one for the headlight washers. Let me know if you need that one & you don't have Vlads off him.
  20. Welcome aboard. For local/regional and national meets/shows etc have a look in this section here. Link: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/20-meets-shows-and-events/ Enjoy the new Zed.
  21. ^^ Yep very subtle. Lovely bit of American old school muscle car though.
  22. If I couldn't get the R35 GTR for whatever reason then I'd quite like any of the following... Porsche 911 MK997 Carrera 4S Porsche 911 MK996 Turbo Audi R8 (if one came into budget which I suspect it wouldn't) Nissan 370Z Nismo Edition (plus some "goodies" from some of the traders on here to make it have a bit more go. ) Noble M12 TVR Cerbera 4.5Ltr V8 (my old man used to have one when I was younger & I always fancied one) Dodge Charger R/T 1969 (again if one came into budget) Jaguar XKR (supercharged V8 RWD ~ what's not to like ) Lotus Exige S2 Lotus Exige S3 (if one in budget) Toyota Supra Turbo (specifically one with an engine like this: http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/toyota/supra/toyota-supra-widebody-1000hp/5110576?v= I could go on but don't worry I won't.
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