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Everything posted by GMballistic

  1. Looks like a good wrap job.
  2. I just had a look on Wikipedia (not exactly always 100% correct I know) and this is what I found.. Seems to tally with the pictures & what I can see of the Zed so far.
  3. If I'm online I try to be quick as I can approving the FS ads. Hope your Mrs has recovered fully from her heart attack.
  4. Not surprising she was stunning in that film.
  5. That's actually even cooler than a pop up spoiler. Looking at the pictures above you can really see the quality, ...the stitching, carbon, buttons, ...just all looks amazing.
  6. Cheers. I shall have a look for her there then. Checked last night btw and I'm only level 24, ....been playing for days (feels like) so Tricky at level 33 odd must have put in some serious time. Pffft you two are amateurs..... Been playing what feels like days and I'm level 7.... Oh hold on.... I suppose you are meant to rank Just got Nick Valentine as my companion (trying not to give too much away here) and on the path of Kellogg. Valentine is a pretty good companion I found ~ have fun with that.
  7. Just wondering, ...does it have a "pop" up type spoiler then as it looks like it might in this picture above. If so what speeds that set to come up at? I know it's sad but I always found that type of thing pretty cool since I first saw it on a Porsche years ago when I was younger. A bit "007 James Bond" sort of I think.
  8. Cheers. I shall have a look for her there then. Checked last night btw and I'm only level 24, ....been playing for days (feels like) so Tricky at level 33 odd must have put in some serious time. LOL! Addicted! I am now on level 35, just mainly going around trying to find all the locations now. Yep I'm addicted to it as well. Luckily my Mrs is tolerant of my addiction (plus I'm not under the thumb ) as we only have the one main TV in the living room which is where my PS4 lives so she can't watch anything for hours whilst I'm killing raiders & mutant dogs.
  9. I know another member on here was selling some he'd imported himself but unfortunately he's sold all the smoked ones I believe. There is another (cheaper) option you could try if you haven't thought of it which is to tint your current ones. Halfords do the spray and you can get it on the net easily enough from places like eBay too. Link: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LIGHT-TINT-SPRAY-STYLING-BLACK-REAR-FRONT-GLASS-PLASTIC-LENS-HEADLIGHT-/310416787228?hash=item484648471c:m:m-XdkivZrihCBYu90tsA1QA I used some a very long time ago to tint black the rear lights on my first car. I just masked off a large area around the lights, cleaned them with alcohol first and then just applied the tint sparingly a layer at a time until the tint was dark enough for me but still legal to see the lights through. Just an idea.
  10. Cheers. I shall have a look for her there then. Checked last night btw and I'm only level 24, ....been playing for days (feels like) so Tricky at level 33 odd must have put in some serious time.
  11. I've not got my Zed anymore so can't pop out and just check but I'm pretty sure it was just two bolts holding the fuel flap in place. Remove those and it should just pull off. Let me know if that works & you get it off ok.
  12. On a previous car (a Golk VR6) I had some problems with my front wiper (it had a single wiper conversion) and one day it just stopped working altogether. When I got a chance to look I found that the retaining nut underneath the cap had worked its way loose. Tightened that up and it worked as it should again. Only mentioning it as it may be worth checking if the retaining nuts underneath the wiper arm covers are tight (these type of things pictured below for example)
  13. 928's a good call ~ two films I can think of that made me love that car: "Risky Business" and "Weird Science".
  14. Like it Mikey. If you need it to make you money then I'd say take your time and restore it to a good OEM standard, ...but if you don't necessarily intend on selling it to make you money then I'd strip it & make it into a full track day car for fun.
  15. Steady on he didnt call you an OAP. Never seen that happen before. @ STEVE K ~ He called you Op. It stands for "Original Poster" when used on the internet fyi. He meant no offence.
  16. GMballistic


    That interior looks great Col, ...I don't think you'd guess the age of it going from how good it looks.
  17. Good grief that thing shifts then Sarnie!, ....and I'm looking forward to some more pics.
  18. What Richf said could be the case. I know on the VED forms for renewing tax though you can voluntarily add the vehicle mileage (on the VED renewal notice), ...have you checked back through paper work etc to see if that all tallies up & if it's on there? Hopefully it's just a mistake by a fat fingered MOT guy.
  19. Fantastic looking car. What are the specs then (0-60 etc) and anymore pics (like of the engine, interior etc)?
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