That is by far the best way forward with this imo.
As much as most of us would like to get our hands on someone who steals from us/damages our cars/property etc and then inflict our own sense of justice on them by beating them severally to a pulp, ....the reality & cold facts are that most of us are law abiding, good people for the most part.
We have people we love in our lives, things we value; jobs, friends, possessions etc and in most cases a great deal of freedom to do what we like, when we like, that if we did inflict harm on others, even if on criminals, however noble or righteous, there would be consequences for us.
There will be times people are pushed beyond their limits & to hurt others who have done them wrong but for breaking into a car, stealing £20, hell even £200 it's not worth doing the time or worse getting stabbed by some smack head who really could teach you the real meaning of "doesn't give a f**k" and puts you in hospital or worse kills you.
My 2 pence.