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Everything posted by GMballistic

  1. Lets us know when you get payment & we'll lock the thread for you.
  2. I'll lock it then Joey but let me know (or one of the other admin/mods) if the sale falls through & I'll unlock it for you.
  3. Ok I'm curious, ....why?! Anyway I've never seen it done on a Zed before but I have seen for example a guy who owned a Toyota Supra that was using one of those universal washer bags for his windscreen wash. He did it to give himself more room in the engine bay for his massive turbo. Link: https://www.merlinmotorsport.co.uk/p/windscreen-washer-bag-kit-ww-kit-bag I can't see why though a smaller bottle (if that's what you want & not the bag) from another car wouldn't work as long as it was wired up correctly & plumbed in. Link: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-Juke-1-6-ACP-Universal-Screen-Washer-Bottle-and-Pump-Kit-Trade-Price-XE2-/331411576466?hash=item4d29ab5692:g:5Z4AAMXQPatTGash
  4. That is by far the best way forward with this imo. As much as most of us would like to get our hands on someone who steals from us/damages our cars/property etc and then inflict our own sense of justice on them by beating them severally to a pulp, ....the reality & cold facts are that most of us are law abiding, good people for the most part. We have people we love in our lives, things we value; jobs, friends, possessions etc and in most cases a great deal of freedom to do what we like, when we like, that if we did inflict harm on others, even if on criminals, however noble or righteous, there would be consequences for us. There will be times people are pushed beyond their limits & to hurt others who have done them wrong but for breaking into a car, stealing £20, hell even £200 it's not worth doing the time or worse getting stabbed by some smack head who really could teach you the real meaning of "doesn't give a f**k" and puts you in hospital or worse kills you. My 2 pence.
  5. Welcome aboard George and a cracking Zed no doubt. Enjoy it.
  6. It states in the thread title £95 but tbf he could have made it a bit clearer imo. Also is that a "delivered" price or "collection" price please planetsurfer2? Just so you're clear for any potential buyers.
  7. Haven't really taken many pictures of the things I've made tbh. I have a few pictures of a couple of knives I've made but Photobucket was down for maintenance just now so I couldn't link them. Here's one of my pictures of a lock knife I made below (from another thread). Few more in the thread here (post n#17): http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/88027-maybe-an-odd-hobbyor-not/ Some ideas here for you including some plans: http://www.popularwoodworking.com/techniques/pure-simple-jewelry-box http://www.toolcrib.com/blog/2009/01/19-free-jewelry-box-plans-swing-for-the-fence-with-a-wooden-jewelry-chest http://www.woodworkersworkshop.com/resources/?cat=670
  8. That's such a shame and tbh it looks pretty bad (rear quarter damage, front damage, plus airbags gone off etc) so I'd imagine it will be written off. Glad you're in one piece though as that's the main thing.
  9. You could always use a cheap easily workable wood like pine Mike for the basic shape/style and then use thin strips of harder/fancier woods (like curly birch) to make inlays which you could just simply glue into place. For example like below (shown on a picture frame)... Most of my experience with wood working is from making knife handles and more manly things, ...but I did make my Mrs a "love spoon" some years ago. It's a welsh thing in case you didn't know. Basically a really decorative wooden spoon. I usually get my wood supplies from Heinnie Haynes (as it's for knife making) or occasionally eBay or other online outlets. Link: http://www.heinnie.com/karesuando-curly-birch-block Link: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Real-Wood-Cocobolo-Quarter-Sawn-Unglued-Veneer-Kiln-Dried-/291411987745?hash=item43d9820d21:g:BYIAAOSwv0tVDCk5 I've always fancied making my own puzzle box AKA a secret compartment box but just never got around to it. Not easy to make a good one of those though and it has sliding hidden wooden pieces so defintely takes skill/patience/time to make one of those.
  10. Well that's a sh**ter Kieran but glad they didn't get much or take the car or vandalise it inside somehow like with poo or something equally disgusting. Fingers crossed your neighbour has some good footage you can use but I wouldn't hold out much hope as when my mate had his Impreza broken into (stole money & his stereo) they had the thief dead to rights on camera including a full face shot. It was put in the local paper that week by "Crime Stoppers" but the Police still never caught the guy who did it. Even when they do catch the crims they usually get off lightly anyway like the guy who broke into my Dads TVR some years back. Got DNA from blood after he cut himself on the window he broke to get in. Eventually he was caught doing another crime & they linked him to the break in on my Dads car. He was ordered to pay a £100 or so to my Dad but the judge let the scroat pay it 50 pence per week. Then he decided to stop paying altogether.
  11. Good call ~ can't hurt for the OP to message them or give them a ring. Link: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/101-abbey-motorsport/
  12. Welcome aboard. Interesting looking Fiesta & a lovely Zed.
  13. I don't know anywhere personally in Warwickshire that could do the work but you're only a short drive away from two very good professional traders from on here... Jez@Horsham Developments is about an hour away from you: http://www.h-dev.co.uk/contact_us.php?osCsid=5f37f1afc800c3d83031b6d0 Mitz@The Cougar Store is only about 46 minutes away: http://cougarstore.co.uk/index.php?main_page=contact_us&zenid=3000b8cd00b6b17dc964f0a8ffb9c6eb Have used both in the past for parts and have used Horsham Developments for lots of mechanical jobs on my old Zed including fitting my supercharger kit. I'm based in South Wales and it was definitely worth the drive imo to use a competent reliable garage.
  14. I hate watching videos like that, ...thought it was good & watching you drive the Zed really made me miss mine (like watching an old girlfriend kissing another man).
  15. Looks great Jez and should be very capable with that spec.
  16. Fantastic looking Zed Jack. Love the Nismo's.
  17. ^^ Winner!! ....well at least until DoogyRev shows up.
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