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Everything posted by Mudman

  1. Mine arrived today thanks Chris. Popping over to see Taras @ RT who wil be doing the spray and fitting
  2. Must confess have started playing Hearthstone the card game version on ipad and thats as addictive
  3. Warcraft could be an economical cure for Zeditius, If it grabs me like it used to may keep my pining to a minimun when it goes SORN for the winter months
  4. I can remember 2 weeks grinding out the rep for the Azure Drake !! Had a few 80's both Alliance and Horde was playing Boomkin when I froze my account, Did the death knight thing but never really bonded. first toon was a Hunter and a pet that was the guilds back up tank!, Easy class to play but hard to master. Karazhan and Naxx were fun. Was also good fun running your level 80 through instances that caused so much grief when levelling. A few ex guildies went on to Guild Wars2 but all came back to WoW after a few months.
  5. I played up to WOTLK but quite fancy getting into it again but will try to avoid the regimental type raiding at it got to a stage where the wife had to book me or first question would be are you raiding on such a night . We formed a guild for the more mature player and had a absolute scream for nearly 2 years before some people decided that they were gear hungry - Although we tried other MMORGS never quite managed to scratch the WOW itch. I'm not really into PVP being crap at it and lost intereted when they nerfed the low level Battlefied but had a good laugh up until then. I can just remember that in WoW everything was done very well and was the benchmark game - Also the people you played with also made the game what it was. Also have converted from Windows to Mac so may try it on a mac mini or macbook air as looking at YouTube its doable Is the Star Wars old republic any good ?
  6. I used to be heavily into this before I did the expat job. Thinking of starting up again. Played it for a few years (Pre first expansion) and had a few toons maxed out and geared up. Have missed 2 expansions so certainly plenty to catch up on on P v E as the raiding become all consuming Anyone play ? Whats it like now ?
  7. Highway Code extract 1. Overview (226) 226 You MUST use headlights when visibility is seriously reduced, generally when you cannot see for more than 100 metres (328 feet). You may also use front or rear fog lights but you MUST switch them off when visibility improves (see Rule 236). Law RVLR regs 25 & 27
  8. Chris is the guru for all things LED
  9. The Zeds have an aerial amp not sure where it is but do a search on the site as this is a fairly regular question. Same thing happened to me although couldn't be arsed to mess about so got a pro to fix it
  10. Give zmanalex a shout
  11. Things reach a point and life's crossroads appear. Take the positives in that maybe its time for you to go your own ways for a while. Forget the past, it cannot be changed and does no good blaming, close it off and focus on what can be changed and that's the present and future Be positive, in a few years you will look back and realise its one of life's tests and there will be a load more of these to come Take out the emotion and focus on the realitys and you will both be fine I'm sure it will all work out so good luck and sounds like we are all here to listen when needed
  12. Yep I did this this and you also gain a time clock display function - simple job to replace and well worth it to get mpg
  13. Not local to you but paid £220 all in for stock to shadow chrome and he came to me so totally hassle free Before After
  14. Had a rattle off the triple gauge console, there's clip that wont play since aftermarket double din was fitted. I used the shock absorbant qualities of strategically place blutack to stop it - worked a treat
  15. I have been on the M25 recently and do like to cruise so may claim the Silver 350z!
  16. First question I would ask is the car JDM ?as pretty much all the apps less one won't work on mine as the coding on the ob2 reader cannot get past the Japanese prtotcols. If anyone had torque or dashboard commander working on a JDM would live to know how
  17. Hi All Not sure if we have one of these but have encountered a fair few and I am always aware and do slow down to practically a stop - I do run fairly low - Bilsteins on 17'' wheels and are OK with well constructed bumps but some these are shoddy and extra nasty But here are a few for you Cardiff Railway Station Car Park - grounded once and the next one was worse so had to hit the 4 ways and go out the entrance. Y Pipe not happy Bad scrape that still haunts me. Kings Lynn - High Road ( back road from the Speedway Stadium to Watlington) too many repairs and adverse cambers resulting in a lunar type experience even at slow speeds Cardiff - St David Centre multi storey - going up from level 3-4 nasty bump - hit Y pipe - not sure why planners insist on putting speed humps when you are going up especially on a very tight corkscrew track up Ely/Littleport - Branch Bank/Queen Adelaide Way - the road that is the rat run through to Soham/Ely (A142) - very uneven have to drive at max 35-40mph (60mph) What looks like poorly repaired frost damage and bad camber on last mile as the road has been dug up and poorly repaired Kings Lynn - Deers Leap Pub - Avoid the large gravel carpark as its strewn with potholes. The 7 or so spaces at the entrance on tarmac are OK Hope the above helps
  18. In 2009 after being out of the military for 3 and and a bit years I had to buy my first pair of size 38 trousers. Common problem as you eat the same diet but are not burning the calories. One morning after wearing these for about a fortnight I bent over to open the lower drawer on the freezer and split the arse on them - much to the delight of my other half - that was the turning point - was heavily into MMORG so evenings were spent on WoW no exercise. So enough was enough wasnt sure what diet to do and looked at the Cambridge but didnt fancy the bad breath you get from it -then someone recommended the Tesco diets . My problem with diets has always been having the right food in the right place at the right time. The Tesco diet let you choose they type of diet you are after ie low sugar diabetic etc for general well being - let you choose your meals, then produce a shopping list and then will deliver - its so hassle free its unreal anyhow started October 2009 at 14 stone 10 lbs ( I am 5'6'' and was 47 at the timer) by March I was down to 12 stone 5 lbs and it changed my lifestyle completely. Joined the gym did a few spin classes a week and swam as well. Concentrated on the cardio. My target was a sprint trialthlon and I completed it in May - not as fast as I would have liked as i pulled a calf muscle during the run but from sedendary to mini tri in 7 months was very rewarding. Now at about 13st 1lb and a lot fitter with 2 spin classes a week and swimming 3 kms also weekly. Its great having clothes that fit and the 34" waist is steady. So it can be done - I still have the odd Doner kebab- yes I know whats in them and still love them along with pork pies - but I cut out sugar from drinks and use sweeteners (sometimes) and also lowered alcohol to single figure units per week So in summary have a look at the Tesco plan but be honest you do have to want to see it through and also get some decent scales as you will start getting a buzz watching your weight drop Before After
  19. Had mine done from stock to shadow chrome. Cracking Job £220 all in. Kings Lynn area
  20. Is your aerial amplifier all working ?
  21. Cool simples Please lock
  22. Gday All Got some of this in red and presumed you removed the original (black) and replaced but seems a bit thin so better option might be just over the top as its split conduit - that the norm ?
  23. 1. When getting an LED lightbulb read the whole thread when size is given. 2. Don't mess around with an LED that won't fit as you will blow the fuse. 3. Location of the interior domelight fuse. 4. Checking the battery fuse box and realising the reason the JDM satnav won't work is because there is no fuse. 5. Halfords are open until 8. 6. There are now fuses with LEDS built in. 7. The radio is on the same fuse as the interior done and boot light. 8. The Japanese satnav is nice to show off and handy if you want to go for sushi in Tokyo but essentially useless in the UK. 9. I get excited when useless satnavs work for the first time. 10. Wives do not share the same excitement at seeing a useless satnav in a language they cannot read. 11. The useless satnav on power means the Aftermarket Pioneer cannot tune to radio. 12. Removal of useless satnav fuse makes aftermarket radio tune OK. 13. Power supply being cut to radio has reset the head unit and now rear speakers work. 14. Always experiment with JDM cars. they never cease to amaze. I wonder what I will learn tomorrow ?
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