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Everything posted by Mudman

  1. Roses are Red Violets are glorious Best not sneak up on... Oscar Pistorious
  2. Must admit heavy Apple user but there only one watch for me
  3. Morning All Now have the 20/25mm spacers fitted to the 18" Rays ( swapped from 17" OEM) Car generally seems ok no steering wheel vibration but had a few instance where the car seems to want to drift to the left. The wheel have weights on themn so not sure if balancing is car specific or wheel specific As I'm a total noob as regards swappinmg wheel sizes - would be normal practice to get a an alignment check/wheel balance ?
  4. Daft question. If you are based in Germany, wouldn't it be better to leave it in KPH for a bit ?
  5. Recently had an issue where I had bought a set of skirts of fleabay and when they arrived was pretty obvious something had been stacked on top of the box and they were fresh damaged - luckily Taras at RT can fix it as I knew no point in even claiming.. Also recently when I reused then to despatch said skirts they missed the collection from work so had to show them over night as company policy is one attempted collection only - Very handy if you are running late and need to make up time . Driver couldnt find the address apparantly so unsure what satnav they use - Contacting the local TNT depot was lets say disappointing.
  6. There are a few specialised service providers that can do a calibration on your speedo and reset the kph to mph may be worth having a chat. I was under impression that to get a V5 with a UK reg no that this had to be done plus the foglight. Most JDM's have a black square sticker over k/ of the k/m display on the speedo . The 112mph limit can be removed with an uprev which I would class as the must do mod as the performance in lower gears is totally revitalised
  7. Yep saw that and already ordered and paid !
  8. Automated machine gun nest ? Certainly a Go Pro so we can all share ?
  9. Free replacement. They make their money on the subscriptions not the units and this one is still 4/12 under warranty
  10. Anyone got one of these ? Had any Problems ? I'm on my second one and this has crapped out on me so 2 units in less than 6 months . Spoke to Road Angel who advised to post it and will take 10-14 working days to get a replacement out to me. The first was a straight swap - So nice customer customer service you pay for six months then they give you a dodgy unit with a denial of service. What really grips me is I have just taken out a 6 month subscription and about to take 2 long journeys in the next 2 weeks. Grrrrrr
  11. Thanks Asad All fitted - a slight bend to match the contour does help but careful not to crease - Also wheel centres look very good on the Rays will post a pic
  12. Got the 18" Rays may as well get the spacers - If anyone has a spare set (s) gathering dust please PM as budget will not currently stretch to new with the leather interior being done next month!
  13. I boughten fitted them Saturday I guess this should be locked
  14. You can punch the serial number into the apple website and you can get full details Not sure if you have other devices linked to your email account or Apple as that can sometimes cause a few odd things to happen Try deleting the mailbox contents on all devices and see if that does the trick There may be old accounts linked to the email as well so chck that and delete any not required
  15. After scraping one speed bump to many decided to upgrade from the 17" OEMS to a set of Rays - Enjoying the look from the shadow chrome OEM 17's. Initial thoughts are the ride is better and the car doesn't creak so much if that makes any sense! Quick drive over to Flitwick and the below is the result
  16. Why not French ? Had a Diesel C4 for about 60K miles and never a problem plus cheap to run
  17. I was pulled a month or so ago - Plod was very clued up and able to recite the legal dimensions and that its the letters that are key and the plate can be any size. Fortunately I had the regular ones in the car so he supplied a screwdriver and they were changed there and then so no further action was taken. I think this must have been his pet nick. I haven't put my old US ones back on but will do for meets as its a relatively simple swap over.
  18. Asad - Will have one of these will PM as might also grab a wheel centre for the new Rays
  19. 20/25 would be interested depending on price and time scale as some group buys can draaaaaag a little
  20. I used to have a Smart for 2. Good fun but Merc prices for servicing every 9K
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