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Everything posted by Mudman

  1. I'd give trading standards a call and ask their advice. certainly name and shame and we can see how many forum members can be booked in to test drive it
  2. Rugby is a game for Gentleman played by animals or is it a game for animals played by Gentlemen ? Want a different sport to watch - checkout Aussie Rules - Some serious levels of fitness there
  3. Or Tell them you spent an hour or so with an Ex Wing Commander in the RAF explaining why they get to sleep in their beds every night !
  4. The boarding of Ryan Air passengers to plane is always the true test of human nature with grown men throwing women and children behind them in the search for that perfect - horrible cheap plastic seat. Top Tip - if you ever board by bus for Ryan Air or SqueezyJet - last on first off !!
  5. I have a CF lip cover for sale !!!
  6. There was one last month so be very surprised another so soon
  7. The new front lip renders my CF look OEM bumper insert redundant so its up for grabs. I don't think its genuine CF and there is a scratch in the close up. No idea what these go for so pitching at £45 delivered if its wide of the mark I'm sure you will all tell me ! Also a Nismo style Oil filler cap - bought off ebay for £18 a few months so unlikely to be genuine but no longer needed in the bay - £10 delivered
  8. Thinking covers maybe brace brackets etc - You can have a look tomorrow ! Just leaving to pick car from RT Performance - had a few bits fitted - Unfortunatley car is likely to be covered in muck and not going to have time to wash it before tomorrow as arrive back from London tonight late then its up at sparrows fart tomorrow to head to RAF Cosford - unless you know of a Handwash near Cosford I can swing by ?
  9. Next phase of build is engine bay so looking for any red spare parts . I have a set of Mishimoto hoses to go on and also sprayed various lids. Have the grounding kit, anodised bolts and also the red cable covers fitted . So if you have any red bits surplus let me know. Anything considered
  10. I am 50 with 30+ years but was overseas for 4 years so lost all my NCB - £550 with Flux due for renewal in a few month so who wants my business ?
  11. Monza Car Care currently doing this for £8.99 plus £2.95 delivery - Bargain !! http://www.monzacarcare.com/6396/valet-pro-dionysus-trim-glitz/0/
  12. I have the same problem as regards the BT Hub on all household Apple devices ( 2 x iPad, 1 x iPod, 1 x iPhone, 1 x Macbook Air, 1 x Mac Mini) especially when streaming videos ( not all at the same time!) .so wonder sometimes if its the hub not the device. Get frequent drop offs from PS3 when streaming Now TV as well.
  13. To answer the original question, I would leave as is as new owner may want to change type as in traditional to an on demand. As long as its working and you can state service date would leave alone. I certainly would not be deterred from buying the house i want by something that can be fairly easily replaced and is not a great cost in the grand scheme of things.
  14. Used to tinker with it - the PNG Kina and Aussie dollar are good if you can bet on them vs Sterling
  15. The cat seems quite unphased by it all - Presuming that dark lump is a cat not some shoggey beast
  16. Fully agree with Grundy just appreciate what you have. At the end of the day we all are governed by the speed limit and the Zed is a drivers car - no questions. I would wonder how many Skoda owners look back in the car park as the Zedders do and have a wide grin. I am a big fan of my Zed and couldn't care less how fast other cars are as they are not mine FFS its a Skoda!
  17. Not a million miles from a Maserati Bora one of my dream cars and pretty much unbeatable in my old Top Trumps game!
  18. Nope I have dance rammed down my throat so much I escape and been watching the post season on MLB TV
  19. Nope it's snapped so talking to Shezza about his spare
  20. Mudman

    Petrol !!!

    Tesco garage just down the road so pretty much always Momentum
  21. Seems my 12 year old daughter has been somewhat over zealous and snapped the base - Irony being just sold my spare ! If anyone has one - don't need the trim Have already asked the Zedman - hes doesn't have one Also after a passenger window switch relay as mine is stuttering
  22. Jeez If i took the other half for a meal that size on my 10th anniversary there wouldn't be an 11th!How about this for a special occasion if price is no object. A few of my mates travelled from China just for a meal so this http://www.nirvanaspa.co.uk/ followed by http://www.thefatduck.co.uk/
  23. Grabbed a set as well at that price with free delivery its a no brainer
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