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Everything posted by Mudman

  1. Thanks All - looking forward to getting my teeth into this
  2. Mudman is a result of spending the last four years working in Papua New Guinea. I was lucky enough to visit the village of the Asaro Mudmen who wear masks a bit like my pic. Legend has it that they were defeated by an enemy tribe and forced to flee into the Asaro River. They waited until dusk before attempting to escape. The enemy saw them rise from the muddy banks covered in mud and thought they were spirits. Most tribes in Papua New Guinea are very afraid of spirits, so the enemy fled in fear, and the Asaro escaped. They then went into the village to see what had happened, not knowing the enemy tribesmen were still there. The enemy were so terrified they ran back to their village and held a special ceremony to ward off the spirits. The mudmen could not cover their faces because legends say that the people of Papua New Guinea thought that the mud from the Asaro river was poisonous. So instead of covering their faces with this alleged poison, they made masks from pebbles that they heated and water from the waterfall, with unusual designs such as long or very short ears either going down to the chin or sticking up at the top, long joined eyebrows attached to the top of the ears, horns and sideways mouths. When not terrifying the other tribes, the Mudmen are accomplished farmers and grow crops such as coffee, bananas, sweet potato and peanuts plus a lot more. So next time your enjoying a Grande Latte in Starbucks its possible the beans were grown by a Mudman! The Mudmen display at regional does or 'Sing-Sings' all over Png and are not one of the normal loud groups - they move silently and deliberately - some people find it quite eerie. I also have a full size mudman helmet which I may start bringing to meets ! Below is a video I took of the Mudmen who are summoned by the head of the village using fire and smoke
  3. Passenger door speaker has lose wire. Is there a how-to on how to fix it? Had same problem - was a bad earth - paid sparky to fix Meetings questions: What happened to the Wales meets? I have a friend whos a former member here, and he was raving about how awesome they were. I guess they are no more? (one word answer. Lol. Im sure this is a big thread… somewhere.) Keep watching the Forum for Wales 2015 news Tuning / ECU questions I have heard tell that due to the electric throttle on the Z, that the throttle response is greatly backed off in 1st and 2nd gear, for ‘’driver safety’’. And that an ecu tuner can sort this out. Any truth in this? Yes on JDMs - imposed by Nissan where car was restricted to 112mph. Removed by uprev but to get best benefir of uprev make sure all the other mods are done before ie Induction kit, PLenum Spacer, Cats/Decats/HFC's. Mark at Abbey used the analogy of an elastic band when throttle is pressed so you wait for the reaction - after uprev you press throttle and get immediate result so no elastic band effect And Welcome
  4. Don't forget the British Army has upset a quite a few people over the centuries so anyone with a grudge could be in the frame regardless of Nationality. I did 22 years and trust me some places they loved us and in others we were errr not so loved. Find the perp and prosecute to the full extent of the law (custodial sentence) as this is a criminal act. Pretty sure they would get a most interesting welcoming reception from fellow inmates. I would have hoped this wpuld have been picked up on a street cam somewhere and wouldnt be surprised to see this on next edition of Crimewatch.
  5. Its impossible to keep your eyes open when sneezing
  6. You can take a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead
  7. Update on this I ws messing around with the centre console today and had to lift the gear surround area. I noticed 2 fuses and wasn't sure what the were for so pulled out to inspect. One was for the after market alarm and when the fuse was replaced the four ways came on and now every lock and unlock has the four ways going on so looks like it needed a reset - Problem solved. Same can't be said about the reason for taking out the console ...Grrrrr
  8. Now get it remapped to reap the benefit - its not all about noise !
  9. Couldn't care less what a website looks like as long as I get what I want from the deal
  10. She also sends you stuff during the setting up stage. All in good humour but you at one stage get s choice of a new car. So you click and sure enough in the post a few days later is a plastic car. Then she 'bribes' you and you get a loan denomination Chinese bank note etc etc. must admit I thoroughly enjoyed the email exchanges and we did speak a few times and she is a remarkable lady but like mentioned before, mad as a badger
  11. Yes i think so as its under warranty so they normally mean has to be MDS
  12. The mileage is the killer - I did a calculation based on working days minus leave minus Zed days plus a few thousand over the contract period for other trips and 15K per year should about do it On my contract servicing is not included and the cars not subject to road tax
  13. Picked it up in March and yes the 1.6 old shape - its about 118 bhp and quite light
  14. Run your figures through this https://www.dutycalculator.com/
  15. Welcome First thing would be a decent service without evidence of FSH I always presume it all need doing so a P3 as a minimum. Mods will depend on what you want to do and how much you can afford. Nice cheap ones are to change the stock bulbs for LED's, get a rear divider. Or you could go HFC/Pop charger/Plenum spacer/Uprev @ Abbey. Hydro dipping interior parts also fairly cheap and you get a great effect
  16. I have such a beast as my daily drive. Have mine on 3 year lease 15K mileage per year £229 per month VAT inc Very decent car to drive - Car tells me I am getting 62 mpg but Dashboard says about 55mpg Its surprisingly quick when it needs to be. I am of the same school prefer to lease for 3 years then hand back mainly as likely to be overseas next job and also depreciation bites Good spec although no BT on my option - I went through Lings Cars ( Crazy Chinese Lady) Mad as a badger but did a good rate and worth checking out if you haven't already Very pleased with the car - not sure about returns but I didn't pay a holding deposit so if there ever was a dispute on return they certainly cannot take the cash and presume you would go through arbitration if it got that ugly.
  17. The French Musician Jean-Michel Jarre released an album in 1983 called 'Music for Supermarkets' made one copy then purposely destroyed the master disc making it one of the most valuable music albums in history.
  18. I did Geology at college and this was always one of the tutors comments when we ever referred to Moh's Hardness scale - Mr Macklin - Hereford Tech College !
  19. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=4BAg769RfKoC&pg=PA524&lpg=PA524&dq=tantalum+harder+than+diamonds&source=bl&ots=k12jI4PJBI&sig=9KcACHa8ztfQK6_QCEn2_0gd4Lg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=8XZTVMSsNcyz7gb99ID4BQ&ved=0CDIQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=tantalum%20harder%20than%20diamonds&f=false OK Tantalum Carbide
  20. I have bits being done this week at Aquagraphix - will have a console/side panels/gear surround available early December if you can wait that long.
  21. The element Tantalum is harder than diamonds
  22. I lease ( 3 year) my daily drive and had to send in 3 months of pay statements and was credit checked etc
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