I work with Americans, Aussies, Kiwi's and Singaporeans all who have English as their first Language plus all the main European countries - we all use each others phrases sometime with amusing outcomes. My particular favourite is to describe a very rainy day - Il pleur comme la vache qui pisse. Another gem was my Aussie depot manager complaining he had no internet and shouting 'The Routers rooted' which of course as pronounced as the rooters rooted.
I can't see a problem with it. English is an international language and the primary language in both the Maritime and Aviation industry. I do not expect people from overseas to have a perfect command of the Queen's English. Most Brits do not have that in a perfect grammatical sense. I guess it comes down to how globally aware and travelled a person is and by that not a 2 week holiday in Thailand actually living and working within a community at the local level
I do however growl when Microsoft ask me if I Want a US English setting !