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Everything posted by Mudman

  1. i have a set of 17" you can borrow - over in Kings Lynn though
  2. Back just after 9pm with a very smoky smelling hoody !
  3. Mate give the hotel a ring but I think they are full I think it was N13GEY with the room http://www.moretonpark.com
  4. Be there from about 3 but I will hunt the early arrivals down -
  5. I will be onsite from about 3pm all need to come see me to register and coz you owe me money ! I'll the dish out the Welcome envelopes and T Shirts if you ordered one Full details will be sent out later - patience - I have a day job !
  6. All payment time With a few people dropping out cost will be £9 per head - I apologise for this but had to commit to 50 people - the club is subsidising so its still a good deal As I am settling this out of my own account can you please send £9 per head to my HSBC account with your user name (+1) etc Payee: R J Griffiths Account number : 11366017 Account Sort code 40-23-24 I can do paypal but would rather not if your stuck Cheers Rob
  7. You should be OK its not as though its exclusive and I did put a few TBNS
  8. Absolutely but just in case we assemble at 0530 for prayers to the God of the Sun then can hang around and knock a few out for the God of Traffic and slow tourists Goats and Sharp objects optional Dress: Religious
  9. Wow Where to start - Rigolettos - Just outside Bicester (Italian) Yak-y-Da - Nepalese - near Hay-on Wye (run by a few ex Military Gurkhas) Awesome French's - Fish and Chip Bar - Wells next the Sea Trad scoff
  10. OK here is the final design The front name has been removed and the font switched to Nissan Type - we have added a Z and the EVO Triangle Graphic and I think this looks the dogs cogs. We had a chat about 350/370 and thought easiest solution is just use a Z common to both cars if you really want to tinker then Sarah will accomodate Shirts are coming out at £12 and Sarah will post the details of what she needs. Sizes and Rear Name If paid before the event your shirts will be waiting for you at registration - How good is that ? Over to you Squee !
  11. We are looking to put a few extra weekend related graphics on as well - all relevant and uber cool !
  12. Mudman

    370z berk HFC

  13. Mudman

    370z berk HFC

    The forum is your friend have a read there are at least one set on sale
  14. Thanks Although might have set the bar too low - have to allow for Event day sales as well so might tweak it
  15. I had an App Radio unit fitted on mine - must admit took the easy way out - paid for the install. I wanted to make sure it worked as the previous owner had some awful Ripspeed thing in there and the cables were a real mess and the aerial amplifier was not hooked up probably so thought if I'm paying for a decent system I want to make sure it works
  16. I'm wondering if I should post to Abbey and Stillen - How good are we ? Check this out - stay off the streets when this car is around - Vacuum Hazard
  17. Yep these Norfolk Pigeon's are pretty quick ...**cough**
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