My son is in a club in Oxford - met a South Korean lady there giving tips she was the Olympic champion but not sure what discipline. He really enjoys it
Funny you say that - been looking at a guy near my parents and he has done a Rising Sun flag with sparkly/shimmer effect - might have to give him a call
Hi all
A few more bits done
Covers by Aquagraphix, Surround from Ceejay, Mirrors from Rickon
Not sure what to do with the engine cover - quite fancy some commissioned airbrush work
The mule needs to know if it will fit in the suitcase plus the weight - the length wasn't enough - wants the whole thing as they are happy to carry but not by hand.
Yep he does but have a mate visiting the States next week and asked the question you should never ask a Zed owner - Do you need anything ? And there's Stillen having a sale and free US shipping
I would imagine something like this aka car bra
This is full front end version over the shoulder boulder holder
Yep - a 130mile round trip if you are over in West Norfolk
That might be a reason - Norfolk is quite a big county so needs something a little more central to all as a meet location