Sound is noticeably different when using BT vs wire. When its working its fine but does need a good mobile data connection. the Live App was a big improvement - my issue is the Apple adaptor - they seem to get twisted too easily which makes intermittent connection and now looks like I will have to buy another - that's 3 in 18 months @ £40 a pop. It still looks good but would not recommend unless it was a bucket price
Been toying with getting mine done but I want the Silver Zed to remain
Have you tried Aquagraphix for a quote ? Forum traders just drop them a PM do outstanding work
There's a metal coil that acts as as a spring. May have come out. Pop,the console out there is a guide on here somewhere the. You can see the runners etc for. The other side. It's an easy job. Six bolts if memory serves
I had a similar issue. We had a first gen Panasonic LCD when I came out of the mob 2004 was cutting edge at the time but over the years there was ghosting but she kept saying nothing wrong with it. It was 1080pi but had the 5 input for HD so became a pain when HDMI came out so we would Have HD ready things we couldn't get the benefit of so I kept saying we need to update to which the answer was nothing wrong with it. Anyhow Christmas last year just went out and got a Brevia 48 inch which is the dogs bollocks her reaction ?
Well let's just say some of you met my new partner Simone last weekend ! í ½í¸€
Does raise the question that anyone on a routine EVO triangle could also suffer the same fate as there no difference and the local economy may take a small hit. Not a good idea putting up on public social media though. Bit Naive
I had my interior retrimmed red last year with a few bits carbon silver dipped - PM me if you want see a few pics to see if it would work with a red exterior
I have a few annoying rattles as well since the HFC's went on - I know what they are and where they and there is an outside chance this may assist - anyhow - have taken the plunge and grabbed the Stillen one up For Sale from a Forum Member at a decent price and will feedback how it goes for me.
I love it when you get so many differing opinions - My view is if you think it works or has worked for you - All good - If you think it hasn't worked for you - All Good too but appreciate both ends of the damper so to speak
OK was more a bit of bling for the bay with the actual damping a secondary bonus almost not keen on extra vibration although they are not expensive so may take a punt on the sexy anodised red ones from the Z Centre as they are half the price of the Stillen version and look identical
Hi All
Looking to fit one of these as bit of engine dress mainly as the actual benefit of what its meant to do seems inconclusive reading the boards and they are quite reasonable for a bit of added red bling
Anyone have one fitted ?
Just wondering if you need to fit in pairs and also will there be issues with after market air boxes ? ( Stillen )
Looking at the fitting guide its US so left hand side of bay so I guess we go right side ?
Appreciate any experience/thoughts