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Everything posted by Jay-350z

  1. I've replaced the steering wheel and for some reason when I took it for a test drive got about 10 yards and the tlc light came on and it's fully disabled traction control. Any ideas?
  2. For a whole day, depending on your style you could ruin a brand new set. Ha.
  3. A cheaper track option is the nankan ns-r. Truly a good rival to the r-888 in terms of bang for buck!
  4. It won't fix it, that's a wheel balance issue, nothing to do with alignment. Did you wire brush the hub before fitting the spacers?
  5. No I havnt, but all seems good apart from the fairly extreme rear camber, as that's quite visible, but I'll need camber arms to sort it out. Thanks for the reply. I'm considering spacers myself but just trying to research the pros & cons. Is the rear camber issue because your Zed is lowered then or is it still riding on standard springs?. Ok, the pros are it looks 100x better with them, I've found turning in feels a tad better. The cons are the car seams to tram line a bit more, also it bump steers a bit more too, but this isn't that noticeable. And the reason for the camber is because it's lowered I'm guessing.
  6. Yeah, pics of mountain bikes - up a mountain, getting rowdy. Pics of a road bike - Totally clean, in someones front room! Think I'm fine thanks That picture was the day I got it. . So it's going to be clean. Ha.
  7. No I havnt, but all seems good apart from the fairly extreme rear camber, as that's quite visible, but I'll need camber arms to sort it out.
  8. You all ride the wrong sort of bikes! Man up and do some real miles! .
  9. Thanks guys, but this isn't how it's staying, haha. It going in for a full front end respray, once funds allow. As there's a little rust on the bonnet and wing, and the laquer peal you can see in that pic. So once it's looking fresh, time for some fun modding. .
  10. Haha, grammar nazi. Haha. I will edit it for you.
  11. Just washed; then fitted 25mm spacers all round. .
  12. That is hardly even stretched, they can go way further! I ran a 165 50 on a 8j and 205 40 on a 10j so standard tyres will fit, but visibly they will be stretched.
  13. Jay-350z


    I have 25mm all round and IMO looks ace! Just something to think about. .
  14. Possible the brake is dragging slightly. This happens a lot on the mx5s. Drive it with very little braking and see if one wheel is hotter that the other.
  15. Autosol isn't always enough, I use 800 grit wet and dry, then 1200 grit. Then autosol.
  16. I'm looking into getting a hydro hand brake, and I'm having a bit of a dilemma. My previous mx5 had one plumed up to the current callipers, but I didn't find it that effective also it made the brake peddle feel horrible. So I was wondering what it's like with this set up on the 350's and if anyone's gone for the twin calliper idea?
  17. Hi mate, I have some 25mm I would be willing to swap. If yours are bolt on?
  18. Look on the 'will they fit' web site. It's very helpful on seeing what would actually work, and how well it would, and if you are going to need spacers you can work out how much you need.
  19. I've attempted it! Very very tricky, defiantly a talent. Ha. This is what I had a go at.
  20. Not really, although it's not a load bearing surface, it's perfectly up to the job!
  21. I'm on 127k. And still going strong, I do have one rust bubble on the front arch that I will be giving some tlc soon. It has had a clutch at about 85k.
  22. what you trying to say ?? Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Well my girlfriend says not to worry, bigger isn't always better. Lol.
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